The list below is drawn from Wollongong City Council's current fees and charges, and is updated each year.
Please note, fines no longer apply to overdue items. However, you will not be able to borrow or renew items, or use library computers or internet if you have items that are overdue by 28 days or more.
Showing 1 - 24 of 24 results.
Parent HierarchyArea | Fee NameFee Name | GSTGST | Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST) |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Internet | Fee Name3D Printing | GSTY | Descriptive Fee Narrative $5.00 per print for 30 minute print, and $7.00 for a 60 minute print |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab | Fee NameAll other organisations (including commercial, private, Government departments.) Hourly rate | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$37.50 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Training | Fee NameAll training sessions - Wollongong City Libraries Manager may establish an entry fee or other charge for a library training session to offset the cost of the activity. | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$15.00 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Internet | Fee NameBlack and White Prints – A4 – per page | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$0.20 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Internet | Fee NameColour prints – A3 – per page | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$0.80 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Internet | Fee NameColour prints – A4 – per page | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$0.40 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab | Fee NameCommunity Groups (for classes, groupwork, meetings etc) Hourly rate | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$22.00 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab | Fee NameFull cost recovery for specialised services (as determined by Wollongong City Libraries Manager) | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$109.00 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Service Fees | Fee NameInter-Library Loan – handling fee (or full cost of recovery if a charge is made by the lending Library) | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$10.00 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Replacement Of Borrowers Cards | Fee NameLibrary membership replacement card (Family) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$13.00 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Replacement Of Borrowers Cards | Fee NameLibrary membership replacement card (Individual) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$5.50 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Photocopying Charges (Per Copy) | Fee NameMicro copies | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$0.20 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Photocopying Charges (Per Copy) | Fee NamePhotocopies – Black and White A3 | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$0.40 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Photocopying Charges (Per Copy) | Fee NamePhotocopies – Black and White A4 | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$0.20 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Photocopying Charges (Per Copy) | Fee NamePhotocopies – Colour A3 | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$0.80 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Photocopying Charges (Per Copy) | Fee NamePhotocopies – Colour A4 | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$0.40 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Local Studies Photographs | Fee NamePostage and packing | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$9.80 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Service Fees | Fee NameRecovery Action (Where a collection service is used to retrieve library materials.) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$144.00 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Lost And Damaged Items – (Non-refundable) | Fee NameReplacement fee calculated at cost of library item being replaced, plus a service fee for cataloguing and processing | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$18.50 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Computer Peripherals | Fee NameSale items (eg earbuds, USBs, etc). Cost plus $1:00 | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$4.20 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab | Fee NameUse of data projector and screen | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$13.00 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab | Fee NameUse of Video/DVD per booking | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$13.00 |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab | Events And Activities | Fee NameWollongong City Libraries Manager may establish an entry fee or other charge for a library event or activity to meet or offset the cost of the activity. | GSTY | Descriptive Fee Narrative At Cost |
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab | Other Charges | Fee NameWollongong City Libraries Manager may undertake to secure for a borrower through the Library any service, interlibrary, reference or information upon payment of sum sufficient to cover the estimated cost incurred by the Library in rendering the | GSTY | Descriptive Fee Narrative At Cost |