The Theatrette

Wollongong Library Theatrette is a multi-use space available for hire on the ground floor of Wollongong Library.

It's ideal for meetings, small conferences, training and seminars.

  • Seats up to 50 people theatre style
  • Up to 8 tables available (max 6 seats per table)
  • Private space separated from public library areas
  • Air-conditioned
  • Kitchenette with refrigerator, microwave and mini-boil. Crockery and cutlery not provided.
  • Accessible for people with disability.

The following additional equipment can be booked when hiring this space:

  • Whiteboard
  • Data projector and screen - additional fees apply
  • DVD player - additional fees apply.

The Library Theatrette can be booked for activities during the following times:

  • Monday to Thursday 9am - 8.15pm
  • Friday 9.30am - 5.45pm
  • Saturday 9.30am - 4.45pm.
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results.
Parent HierarchyArea Fee NameFee Name GSTGST Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST)
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab Fee NameAll other organisations (including commercial, private, Government departments.) Hourly rate GSTY Fee incl. GST$37.50
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab Fee NameCommunity Groups (for classes, groupwork, meetings etc) Hourly rate GSTY Fee incl. GST$22.00
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab Fee NameFull cost recovery for specialised services (as determined by Wollongong City Libraries Manager) GSTY Fee incl. GST$109.00
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab Fee NameUse of data projector and screen GSTY Fee incl. GST$13.00
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab Fee NameUse of Video/DVD per booking GSTY Fee incl. GST$13.00
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab | Events And Activities Fee NameWollongong City Libraries Manager may establish an entry fee or other charge for a library event or activity to meet or offset the cost of the activity. GSTY Descriptive Fee Narrative At Cost
Parent HierarchyLibraries | Wollongong Library Theatrette And The Lab | Other Charges Fee NameWollongong City Libraries Manager may undertake to secure for a borrower through the Library any service, interlibrary, reference or information upon payment of sum sufficient to cover the estimated cost incurred by the Library in rendering the GSTY Descriptive Fee Narrative At Cost

How to book

Make sure you read the Conditions of Use policy PDF, 206.66 KB before booking.

Use the button below to apply to hire this space.

Please note, making an application does not guarantee your booking will be accepted. We'll contact you to confirm your booking.