Using the Library

We're committed to providing a welcoming, comfortable and safe environment for all library customers to enjoy.

You must treat staff and other library customers with respect and courtesy. This includes avoiding activities that make other people uncomfortable or makes their library experience less positive.

The following behaviours will not be accepted and may lead to you being asked to leave, or even banned from the library:

  • Antisocial behaviour, including harrassing or threatening customers or staff, using offensive language, or displaying offensive signs or materials
  • Physical or verbal aggression, abuse, or intimidation
  • Behaviour that disturbs people and creates an unpleasant or unhealthy environment, including excessive noise or smoking
  • Soliciting or selling goods or services
  • Theft, vandalism, carrying a weapon and other criminal offenses.

Illegal behaviour will be referred to the police.

Additional conditions of entry:

  • You must not be under the influence of, use, or sell alcohol or any illegal substances while in the library.
  • Libraries are smoke-free zones. This also includes e-cigarettes or vaping. Smoking is not permitted within 4 metres of any library entrance.
  • Animals are not permitted in libraries, except for accredited assistance animals accompanying visitors living with disability.
  • You must leave the library when asked to do so by library staff or security personnel, including closing time and during emergency situations.
  • You are responsible for your personal property at all times. Never leave personal items unattended.
  • Filming and photography are not permitted in the library (unless written permission has been provided by the Library Manager)
  • Cold foods, snacks and non-alcoholic drinks that are in covered cups or bottles are permitted. Please do not eat while using library computers.
  • Avoid making an excessive amount of noise. If you're using a phone or device, use headphones or lower the volume.  Be considerate of others if you’re having a conversation in person or on the phone.
  • Acceptable levels of dress and personal hygiene are required. You may be asked to leave the library if your dress or hygiene is likely to offend other customers.  Please always wear footwear.
  • Bicycles are not permitted inside the library. Skateboards and small scooters may be carried, but not ridden inside the library.
  • Children under 8 years of age must always be with a responsible adult while they are in the library. Parents or guardians are responsible for the behaviour of their children in the library, and for the suitability of information their children access through the library. For more information about our commitment to child safety, visit our Child Safe Organisation page.
  • You are liable for any damage you cause to library property. This includes items from the collection, as well as library equipment, furniture, and facilities.
  • Please take all your rubbish with you.

Wollongong City Council is a Child Safe Organisation, and our libraries create an environment where children’s safety and wellbeing is at the centre of thought, values, and actions.

Wollongong City Libraries are proud members of ACON's Welcome Here project. All our libraries are safe spaces for members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

We welcome people who are homeless, sleeping rough or in temporary accommodation to visit us and become members of our libraries.