Wollongong City Council is committed to becoming a Child Safe Organisation, by embedding the NSW Child Safe Standards across our organisation's culture and practices.
Our Commitment
We believe children and young people have the right to be respected, empowered and safe. We are dedicated to listening to their views and committed to our responsibilities in keeping them safe.
“I feel safe when I am with people I trust”
Alaree, Mount Saint Thomas Public School.
Our Child Safe Framework
The Child Safe Policy PDF, 170.21 KB informs our policies, procedures and actions that relate to:
- Recruitment and Selection
- Responding and Reporting
- Allegations and Reportable Conduct
- Implementing Child Safe Standards.
What is a Child Safe Organisation?
A Child Safe Organisation puts the best interests of children and young people first.
A Child Safe Organisation:
- Creates an environment where children’s safety and wellbeing is at the centre of thought, values and actions.
- Places emphasis on genuine engagement with and valuing of children and young people.
- Creates conditions that reduce the likelihood of harm to children and young people.
- Creates conditions that increase the likelihood of identifying any harm.
- Responds to any concerns, disclosures, allegations or suspicions of harm.
How to report child protection concerns
If a child is in immediate danger call the Police on 000 (triple zero).
If you think a child or young person is at risk of harm from abuse or neglect, contact the Child Protection Helpline on 132 111.
You can also report child protection concerns involving a Wollongong City Council Councillor, employee, contractor or volunteer to our Child Protection Officer:
- Phone (02) 4227 8887 between 8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday and ask to speak to the Child Protection Officer
- Email our Child Protection Officer
- Write to the Child Protection Officer, Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC NSW 2500
- Through a face-to-face meeting with the Child Protection Officer. Please use one of the contact methods above to request a meeting.
Child Safe Policy
Wollongong City Council has a Child Safe Policy PDF, 170.21 KB which outlines our commitment to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation.
NSW Child Safe Standards
The NSW Child Safe Standards recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse provide a framework for making organisations safer for children.
The NSW Reportable Conduct Scheme monitors how organisations investigate and report on allegations of certain conduct towards children.
To find out more, visit the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian website.
The following online safety tools and resources are available for parents, caregivers, children and young people.
ThinkUKnow – a national program providing online child safety information in schools and organisations to parents, carers, teachers and students from the first year of school to Year 12.
The eSafety Commissioner’s eSafety guide - learn about the latest games, apps and social media, including how to protect your information and report inappropriate content.
Online safety basics – three key strategies to help your children safely navigate their digital world and avoid harmful online experiences.
Office of the Children’s Guardian’s Online Safety guide - tips on how to keep children and young people safe online.
Online safety picture book and song – encourages young children to ask for help when they are using digital devices, to keep them safer online.
The Raising Children Network is an Australian parenting website and includes parenting guides and tools on:
Child Protection Helpline
If you think a child or young person is at risk of harm from abuse or neglect, the helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone 132 111.
NSW Communities and Justice
The Department of Community Justice (DCJ) works with children. They are committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and protecting them from risk of harm, abuse and neglect.
The Office of the Children’s Guardian
The Office of the Children’s Guardian (OCG) regulate and oversee organisations in NSW to uphold children and young people’s right to be safe.
Confidential counselling is available for people of all ages by telephone or online.
Children or young people services
Kids Helpline
The Kids Helpline is for children and young people aged 5 to 25 year. All issues are confidential, and phone counselling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Phone 1800 55 1800
- Webchat Counselling is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Headspace is for 12 to 25 year olds for all issues. Phone counselling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Phone 1800 650 890.
All ages services
All ages, all issues. Phone counselling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Phone 13 11 14
- Online chat service is available 7pm to midnight.
- Lifeline text service is available 12pm to midnight, SMS 0477 131 114.
Beyond Blue
All ages, all issues. Phone counselling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Phone 1300 22 4636
- Online chat service is available 1pm – midnight, 7 days a week.
Council consulted with children and young people on Child Safety and what a Child Safe Organisation means to them.
Children and young people from Dapto Public School, Mount Saint Thomas Public School, and Wollongong City Council's Youth Services programs were represented.
Thank you to the children from Dapto and Mount Saint Thomas Public Schools for contributing their thoughts on the following Child Safe Commitment words and providing their own art work on Child Safety.
“I know I am safe when I am with my parents”
Curtis, Dapto Public School
“I feel safe when swimming”
Jacob, Dapto Public School
Download the PDF gallery below to see more drawings and statements by children who took part in our consultation.
- Events and Programs
- People
Art and Culture
- Aboriginal Culture and Communities
- Wollongong Art Gallery
- Illawarra Performing Arts Centre
- Public Art
- Creative Wollongong Studios
- The Arts Precinct
- Culture Mix
- Sculpture in the Garden Wollongong
- Creative Dialogues
- Short Film Competition & Festival
- Recent Projects
- Opportunities for Artists and Performers
- Sister Cities
- History and Heritage
- Language Help
- Safety Programs
- Volunteering
- Community Transport
- Neighbourhood Groups
- Grant Programs
- Affordable Housing
- Awards and Recognition