Getting the right advice before you lodge a development or planning application can save you time and money.
There are several ways you can get advice from Council about planning rules, development proposals and application processes.
Development Duty Officers can provide general information about planning and development, including:
- Initial feedback and direction on less complicated planning and development matters.
- Answering general questions about planning, building and the development process.
- Direction on Council's two main planning documents: the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan (WLEP) 2009 and the Wollongong Development Control Plan (WDCP) 2009.
- Advice about application processes, including what types of specialist planning, building and environmental-related reports you will need to provide to support your development application.
- Guidance to help you find information about your property's zoning and what types of development are allowed.
Development Duty Officers cannot provide:
- Detailed planning, development or construction advice.
- Advice about whether your plans will be approved before the formal development application assessment process takes place.
- Help preparing your development documentation.
- Legal advice.
Important notes and disclaimer
Advice given by our duty development officer is provided in good faith, but should not be relied upon to make property investment or development decisions.
For detailed planning and development matters or legal advice, you should engage a private planning or building consultant and / or legal practitioner. Independent professional advice is recommended for any property investment decision.
Council will not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the information provided by our duty development officer.
For more complex development proposals or larger development projects, we recommend that you request a formal Pre-lodgement meeting or Design Review Panel meeting (fees apply).
Ask to talk with a Development Duty Officer
Use the button below to ask to talk with a Development Duty Officer.
Please include your phone number so we can get back to you.
A pre-lodgement meeting is a way to get early feedback on your development application before you formally lodge it. This helps to identify and resolve issues before you lodge an application. This can reduce delays when your application is assessed and may save you money.
We particularly recommend pre-lodgement meetings for complex applications, or where you might want to do work that varies from standard development policies.
Apply online
Before you can apply, you need to log in or register in our Online Services system.
Once you are logged in, select Lodge an Application, then Planning & Development and Development Application - Prelodgement.
Note, meeting application fees apply - see current fees below.
Once your application is received, we’ll get in touch with you to book an appointment.
You’ll need to give us an electronic copy of your:
- Site plan
- Floor plan(s) (with dimensions)
- Site analysis plan, and
- Any other supporting documents
- A list of any particular issues you’d like covered at the meeting.
See our Format Guidelines for DAs page for details about how these documents need to be supplied.
Please note that any advice given at a pre-lodgement meeting doesn’t guarantee approval.
After the meeting, we’ll send you notes covering the issues discussed.
Fees for pre-lodgement meetings
Parent HierarchyArea | Fee NameFee Name | GSTGST | Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST) |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Pre-lodgement Meeting For Proposed Development (Fee Per Meeting) | Design Review Panel Pre-lodgement Meeting | Fee NameDevelopment under SEPP 65 | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$3,637.80 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Pre-lodgement Meeting For Proposed Development (Fee Per Meeting) | Design Review Panel Pre-lodgement Meeting | Fee NameDevelopment under WLEP 2009 (Cl 7.18) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$3,637.80 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Pre-lodgement Meeting For Proposed Development (Fee Per Meeting) | Design Review Panel Pre-lodgement Meeting | Fee NameOther development proposals | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$2,760.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Pre-lodgement Meeting For Proposed Development (Fee Per Meeting) | Fee NameProjects involving an estimated cost of development of $5 Million or greater and / or development projects involving the erection of 15 dwellings / units or more and / or subdivisions (residential) involving 25 lots or more and response to referral | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$2,395.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Pre-lodgement Meeting For Proposed Development (Fee Per Meeting) | Fee NameProjects involving an estimated cost of development of between $1 Million up to $5 Million and / or involving the erection of between 3 dwellings / units to 14 dwellings / units | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$800.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Pre-lodgement Meeting For Proposed Development (Fee Per Meeting) | Fee NameProjects involving an estimated cost of development of up to $1 Million | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$392.00 |
Our Design Review Panel is a group of independent experts, including architects, urban designers and landscape architects, who provide feedback and advice about the design of developments. The aim of the panel is to improve the quality and consistency of design throughout our city.
Some types of development applications must go through the Design Review Panel. These include:
- Apartment buildings or mixed developments that are assessed under SEPP 65 (State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 - Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development)
- Buildings in the City Centre or other key sites specified in the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009.
Getting feedback from the Design Review Panel is optional for all other types of building-related development.
A proposed development can be sent to the Design Review Panel either before or after you lodge a development application.
After the Design Review Panel meeting, the Panel will provide written advice to both the applicant and Council.
To apply for a Design Review Panel meeting, complete and return the application form. The form explains what documents you will need to include with your application.
Design Review Panel fees
Parent HierarchyArea | Fee NameFee Name | GSTGST | Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST) |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Development Application Fees | Design Review Panel | Fee NameApplication under SEPP 65 | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$3,905.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Development Application Fees | Design Review Panel | Fee NameApplication under WLEP 2009 (Cl 7.18) and SEPP 65 | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$3,905.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Pre-lodgement Meeting For Proposed Development (Fee Per Meeting) | Design Review Panel Pre-lodgement Meeting | Fee NameDevelopment under SEPP 65 | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$3,637.80 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Pre-lodgement Meeting For Proposed Development (Fee Per Meeting) | Design Review Panel Pre-lodgement Meeting | Fee NameDevelopment under WLEP 2009 (Cl 7.18) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$3,637.80 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Development Application Fees | Design Review Panel | Fee NameMixed Use / Commercial Developments >$5 Million | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$3,600.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Development Application Fees | Design Review Panel | Fee NameMulti-Dwelling Housing (>10 Villas / Townhouses) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$3,600.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Pre-lodgement Meeting For Proposed Development (Fee Per Meeting) | Design Review Panel Pre-lodgement Meeting | Fee NameOther development proposals | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$2,760.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Development Application Fees | Design Review Panel | Fee NameRefund for Withdrawal of Development Application (prior to determination) | GSTN | Descriptive Fee Narrative Up to 80% of original DA fee (at the discretion of Area Manager) |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Development Application Fees | Design Review Panel | Fee NameSeniors Housing Developments | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$3,600.00 |
If you're setting up a small business, see our Small Business Planning page for a general guide to the things you'll need to consider.
Our duty planner can also refer you to our dedicated Small Business Planning team if you need individual advice.
Call us on (02) 4227 7111 to request planning advice for your small business.
- Maps
- Property Information
Development and Planning Rules
- State and Regional Planning Policies
- Local Environmental Plans
- Development Control Plan
- Exempt and Complying Development
- Council's Development Policies
- Development Contributions
- Planning Proposals
- Development on Public Land
- Development on Bush Fire Prone Land
- Flooding, Stormwater and Development
- Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Manufactured Home Estates
- Development Advice
- Submit a Development Application
- View an Application
- Assessments and Determinations
- Activity Applications
- Building and Renovating
- Subdivision
- Housing
- Property Addressing
- Works on Roads and Footpaths
- Fire Safety
- Development Registers
- Community Land