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City of Wollongong

Building Information Certificate

All Building Information Certificate applications must be made online through the NSW Planning Portal.

Hard copy applications will no longer be accepted.

A Building Information Certificate is a document issued by Council relating to existing works to a building.

A Building Information Certificate is usually requested by buyers or sellers of a property before settlement to make sure that what is being bought or sold will not be the subject of action by Council. It is also often requested for work done without the appropriate approvals from Council or a registered certifier.

You can request a Building Information Certificate if you are one of the following:

  • the owner of the property, or another person with the consent of the owner
  • buying a property under a contract of sale (or the solicitor or agent of the buyer)
  • a public authority that has notified the owner of its intention to apply for the certificate.

A Building Information Certificate can apply to all or part of a building. It states that Council will not take any action for seven years to Order, or start proceedings for an Order, to have the building covered by the certificate to:

  • be demolished, altered, added to or rebuilt, or
  • resolve any encroachment by the building onto land controlled by Council.

Please note that Building Information Certificates do not apply to pool safety barriers or pool fencing. See our Pool Certificates page for more information.

All applications for Building Certificates must be made online via the NSW Planning Portal.

Building Information Certificate for Sale of Property

If your Building Information Certificate application is for Sale of Property, make sure you have a copy of a current identification survey for the property.

Building Information Certificate for Unauthorised Works

If your Building Information Certificate application is for unauthorised works, please note:

  • You will be asked to include documents to support your application. These may vary for each application.
  • You may be sent an invoice for additional fees based on the initial assessment of your application.
  • You cannot apply for a priority issue of certificate for this application.
  • Making an application does not guarantee approval, and Council may issue a Notice or Order for the demolition of the unauthorised building or part of the building.
  • If a Notice or Order is served or the Building Information Certificate is refused, you have the right to appeal to the Land and Environment Court.
  • If a Building Information Certificate is issued for unauthorised works, Council may still issue a penalty notice or start legal action against whoever did the work without the required approvals as a breach of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Apply online

Please download and complete the Lodgement Checklist - Building Information Certificate PDF, 320.83 KB. This should be submitted with your online application.

The button below will take you to the NSW Planning Portal to submit an application.

You will be asked to log in or create an account to get started.


Fee NameFee Name GSTGST Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST)
Fee NameAdditional inspection if more than one is required before issue of certificate GSTN Fee incl. GST$300.00
Fee NameAll other cases not listed and applications involving alternate solutions GSTN Descriptive Fee Narrativenull
Fee NameClass 1 Buildings GSTN Descriptive Fee Narrative $500 for each dwelling contained in the building or in any other building on the allotment
Fee NameClass 10 Buildings GSTN Fee incl. GST$500.00
Fee NameClass 2 Buildings comprising 2 dwellings GSTN Descriptive Fee Narrative $500 per dwelling
Fee NameClass 2-9 Buildings (200-2,000m2) GSTN Descriptive Fee Narrative $600 + $1.00 per sq mtr over 200 sq mtrs
Fee NameClass 2-9 Buildings (greater than 2,000m2) GSTN Descriptive Fee Narrative $2,000 + an additional $1.00 per square metre over 2,000m/sq
Fee NameClass 2-9 Buildings (not exceeding 200m2) GSTN Fee incl. GST$600.00
Fee NameCopy of certificate GSTN Fee incl. GST$35.00
Fee NameFee for a Certificate for Unauthorised Work to a Class 1 and Class 10 Building GSTN Descriptive Fee Narrative $500 + the maximum fee payable if the application were an application for Development Consent and Construction Certificate or for a Complying Development Certificate
Fee NameFee for a Certificate for Unauthorised Work to a Class 2-9 Building (200-2,000m2) GSTN Descriptive Fee Narrative $600 + $1.00 per m2 over 200m2 and the relevant fee that should have been paid for the Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate
Fee NameFee for a Certificate for Unauthorised Work to a Class 2-9 Building (greater than 2,000m2) GSTN Descriptive Fee Narrative $2,000 + $1.00 per m2 over 2,000m2 and the relevant fee that should have been paid for the Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate
Fee NameFee for a Certificate for Unauthorised Work to a Class 2-9 Building (not exceeding 200m2) GSTN Descriptive Fee Narrative $600 + the relevant fee that should have been paid for the Development Application, Construction Certificate or for a Complying Development Certificate
Fee NamePart of Building Consisting of an External Wall GSTN Fee incl. GST$500.00
Fee NamePriority issue of certificate (N/A for Unauthorised Works) GSTN Fee incl. GST$259.00