Our Councillors meet regularly to make decisions about policies, services and important issues that affect Wollongong.
Council meetings are usually held every three weeks, except for school holidays.
You can watch Council Meetings:
- Online via our webcast
- In-person at our Council Chambers, 41 Burelli Street Wollongong. If you're attending in-person, you must follow the Public Gallery Conduct Standards.
See our Business Papers page for information about past and upcoming meeting topics.
Our Code of Meeting Practice PDF, 472.08 KB explains the rules about how Council meetings are run.
Members of the public can ask to speak at Council meetings. This is called our Public Access Forum.
A limited number of places are available to speak at each meeting.
To speak at a public forum, a person must first make an application to Council using our Public Access Forum application form PDF, 265.28 KB
Applications to speak at the public forum must be received by 12 noon on the working day before the date on which the public forum is to be held. Applications must identify the item of business on the meeting agenda which the person wishes to speak on, and whether they wish to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ the item.
Legal representatives acting on behalf of others are not permitted to speak at a public forum unless they identify their status as a legal representative when applying to speak at the public forum.
The General Manager or their delegate may refuse an application to speak at a public forum. No more than two speakers will be permitted to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ each item of business on the agenda for the Council meeting
Each speaker will be allowed five minutes to address the Council. This will be strictly enforced by the chairperson.
For more details see our Code of Meeting Practice policy PDF, 472.08 KB.
Wollongong City Council supports all residents having equal access to our information, services and facilities.
Our Council Chamber is accessible for people with disability. We have a range of assistive services and technologies available, including:
- lift access
- accessible toilets
- spaces for people with wheelchairs in the public gallery
- infrared hearing system and portable receivers on request for people who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing
- accessible parking spaces in our Administration Building car park (entry is from Stewart Street).
Please email or call us on (02) 4227 7111 if you have a request or question about attending our Council meetings.
Online access to meetings
We live-stream Council meetings online so you can access them without physically attending. This provides greater community access to Council decisions and debates.
As well as watching meetings live, our webcasting site has video and audio from previous meetings available on demand.
To watch a meeting live, or access the archive, visit our webcasting site.
Upcoming Council Meetings
- Your Council Officials
- Council Meetings
- Online Self Service
- News
- Public Notices
Works and Projects
- Current Works and Projects
Ongoing Projects
- West Dapto
- Grand Pacific Walk
- The Blue Mile
- Revitalising Port Kembla
- Vera and Wilson Streets Helensburgh
- Former Helensburgh Waste Depot
- Whytes Gully Landfill
- Cringila Hills Recreation Park
- Southern Suburbs Community Centre and Library
- Helensburgh Community Centre and Library
- North Wollongong Surf Club and Seawall
- Otford Causeway
- Future Works and Projects
- Roadworks
- Tenders, Quotations and EOIs
- Sustainability at Council
- Projects Open for Feedback
Access to Information
- Agency Information Guide
Information Registers
- Contracts Register
- Council Position Statements Register
- Council Resolutions
- Council Voting Register
- Current Leases and Licences
- Data Breach Public Notification Register
- Delegations Register
- Designated Officers
- Development Application Register (Application Tracking)
- Development Approvals
- Development Contributions Register
- Disclosure Log
- Graffiti Removal Register
- Investments Register
- Land Register
- Planning Agreements Register
- Tree Removal Register
- Political Donations and Gifts
- Variation to Development Standards Register
- Council Documents
- Jobs at Council
- Tenders, Quotations and EOIs
- Corporate Governance
Committees and Groups
- Aboriginal Reference Group
- Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
- City of Wollongong Awards Committee
- Cycling Advisory Groups
- Floodplain Committees
- Lake Illawarra CMP Implementation Group
- Sports and Facilities Reference Group
- Traffic Committee
- Walking, Cycling and Mobility Reference Group
- West Dapto Review Committee
- Wollongong Heritage Reference Group
- Southern Regional Planning Panel
- Wollongong Local Planning Panel
- Emergency Management