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City of Wollongong

Asphalt Works

We repair roads that have significant cracking, potholes, or failures in them using asphalt.

Asphalt is a mixture of bitumen and rock that is placed in layers and rolled to create a smooth road surface.

If asphalt works are scheduled to occur on your street, you will receive a notification letter. This will be placed in mailboxes one week before works, and will include dates and more information about what to expect.

Types of asphalt works


With this method, we patch sections of the road that need repair and leave the rest – only when the road is in ok condition.  These works can be done quickly and are usually finished in one day.


Resurfacing works are done when the full road segment has consistent damage and failures, but the underlying road material is consistent and of good quality. Depending on the length of the street, these works can take a couple of days to complete.

Before asphalt works

  • You may see heavy road works equipment moving in and out of your street between 6pm and 6am in the days before asphalt work starts
  • Please make sure you move all vehicles - including cars, caravans and trailers - off the road the night before work begins. This date will be shown on your notification flyer. If the road isn't clear, work could be delayed or not completed.

During asphalt works

  • Access for cars will only be allowed when it's safe, and delays can be expected.
  • We recommend you park in a nearby street and walk to and from your property during works.

After asphalt works

A few weeks after we asphalt a road, another contractor will return to your street to finish any required line marking. These works are mostly done on night shift, and it can be a little noisy but the work is usually very quick.

Bad weather

When it rains, we can’t complete our roadworks. Sometimes we need to delay our program because of weather, but we will always reschedule works for another date.

Traffic control, detours and delays

All roadwork is done with the support of traffic control. This may be ‘stop/slow’ arrangements or detours and road closures.

Please pay attention to signs and follow instructions. Depending on the type of work being completed we may or may not be able to allow vehicle access to properties.

Our traffic control will always allow access for emergency services, so please don't worry about this.

If your street is on a bus route, we work with the bus company to minimise delays.

We'll also work to allow access for your kerbside bins to be collected.

Questions about roadworks

If you have any questions about roadworks, please get in touch with either: