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City of Wollongong


Learn how to prepare for an emergency, and get help if you need it.

Get help in an emergency

Phone 000 for life threatening emergencies

From your mobile call 112

If you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment call 106 in an emergency. This is a Text Emergency Call from teletypewriters - not an SMS service.

NSW Police Force131 444 or TTY (02) 9211 3776
State Emergency Service (SES)132 500
NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS)call 000
Fire and Rescue NSWcall 000
Ambulance NSWcall 000

Emergency updates

Tune in to 97.3 ABC Illawarra radio for updates in an emergency, and check out the resources below.

Visit the Bureau of Meteorology website for current weather alerts and updates.

Roads can often be closed during emergencies. You can check for major road closures, traffic updates and alerts on the Live Traffic website.

Download these apps on your phone to help you get information quickly in an emergency. Use the links below, or search for these apps in The App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android).


Hazards Near Me

Get Prepared

Ready Steady Safe app for kids on the App Store

Learn more