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City of Wollongong

Property Addressing

Council is responsible for the property addresses issued within our Local Government Area.

We allocate addresses in line with the NSW Address Policy and User Manual and Australian House Numbering Standards.

It’s important that your address is correctly identified. This helps emergency services find your address in an emergency, and can avoid issues for postal deliveries.

Property Addressing DA Consent

Have you recently had a Development Application approved?

It may be a condition of your consent that you must apply to Council for property addresses before applying for a Construction Certificate.

Council will review the approved stamped plans and allocate new property addresses where applicable.

Property Addressing Confirmation

Are you experiencing issues with any utilities or service providers, such as not recognising your property address, or the address being incorrectly identified?

Council can give you a confirmation letter which you can provide to utility and service providers to help resolve your issue.

Incorrect Property Address

Are you experiencing an issue with emergency services and deliveries locating your property?

Council may be able to investigate the issue for you.

Change of Property Address

Are you on a corner property or have dual street frontage? You can notify council of the frontage and property address you are using.

Council will update your property address if applicable.

Please note that requests for address changes will not be approved if they are based on superstition, unlucky numbers, personal preferences or similar reasons.

Other Property Address Enquiry

If none of the above requests meet your needs, please make a general property address enquiry.

Please include as much detail as possible so we can help you.

Apply online

Use the button below to make a property address enquiry or request.

There is no fee for property addressing enquiries.