If your Development Application is approved, the consent will only be valid for a certain amount of time. Usually this is five years from when you receive approval, but it could be different in some cases.
The date that your consent is valid until will be shown on your Notice of Determination.
If you don't start the approved development before that date, your consent becomes lapsed, or out of date. This means that you may need to submit a new application. Please talk to us for advice if you have a consent that has lapsed.
- Maps
- Property Information
Development and Planning Rules
- State and Regional Planning Policies
- Local Environmental Plans
- Development Control Plan
- Exempt and Complying Development
- Council's Development Policies
- Development Contributions
- Planning Proposals
- Development on Public Land
- Development on Bush Fire Prone Land
- Flooding, Stormwater and Development
- Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Manufactured Home Estates
- Development Advice
- Submit a Development Application
- Assessments and Determinations
- Activity Applications
- Building and Renovating
- Subdivision
- Housing
- Property Addressing
- Works on Roads and Footpaths
- Fire Safety
- Development Registers
- Community Land