Simply put, corporate governance is the framework of how we run things.
It is the rules and practices that Council uses to make sure we are accountable, fair and transparent in our relationship with all of our stakeholders. This includes the community, suppliers, and the government, as well as our Councillors, management and employees.
Our Codes of Conduct set the minimum standards of conduct for Council officials. They explain the standards of conduct we expect.
They also provide a guide for Council officials to act honestly, exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence, and act in a way that enhances public confidence in Council.
You can read our Codes of Conduct below:
The Fraud and Corruption Prevention policy PDF, 179.11 KB sets out our commitment to reduce and manage fraud and corrupt conduct. It outlines what we do to prevent, detect and respond to corruption.
All staff must be above fraud and corruption. We work to build an organisation that does not tolerate fraud or corruption. We do this through:
- Transparent and accountable decision making
- Open discussion by staff and managers about the risks of fraud and corruption.
If you have any concerns about the conduct of a Council official, we encourage you to contact Council’s Professional Conduct Coordinator.
We work to minimise risks while working towards our goals. Read more on our Risk Management page.
Council has an independent Professional Conduct Coordinator who investigates complaints against Council staff and services.
The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) is an independent advisory group to help our elected Council meet its oversight responsibilities.
You can read more about what this committee does on the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee page.
Council is committed to a robust and comprehensive internal audit process that provides:
- Independent, risk-based, and objective assurance to add value and improve Council's operations.
- A systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.
- Opportunities to identify ways we can improve our processes, management practices, and use of innovation and technology.
The internal audit function reports directly to the Council’s Audit Risk and Improvement Committee to make sure that independence is maintained.
To learn more, see our Internal Audit Charter PDF, 152.24 KB
From time to time you may want to offer a token of thanks to Council staff for a job well done. Council has strict rules about the acceptance of gifts in our Code of Conduct for Staff PDF, 658.08 KB and Code of Conduct for Councillors PDF, 1546.31 KB.
Offering and accepting gifts and benefits can be a corruption risk. For example, gifts may be offered to develop a favourable relationship or create an obligation to be repaid at a later date.
The rules related to Council staff and Councillors accepting gifts and benefits from third-parties are summarised below:
- Bribes or other improper inducements must never be sought or accepted
- Gifts or benefits that may create a sense of obligation or influence staff or councillors in carrying out their public duties must not be accepted
- Gifts or benefits of more than $50 value cannot be accepted
- Offers of cash or a cash-like gift, including lotteries and gift cards, can never be accepted, regardless of the amount
- Current or prospective suppliers should never provide gifts to staff or Councillors.
If you'd like to say thank you for a job well done, we encourage you to write a letter of thanks to the General Manager. Please include details of the staff member you would like to thank, and we will recognise them through our internal processes.
- Your Council Officials
- Council Meetings
- Online Self Service
- News
- Public Notices
Works and Projects
- Current Works and Projects
Ongoing Projects
- West Dapto
- Grand Pacific Walk
- The Blue Mile
- Revitalising Port Kembla
- Vera and Wilson Streets Helensburgh
- Former Helensburgh Waste Depot
- Whytes Gully Landfill
- Cringila Hills Recreation Park
- Southern Suburbs Community Centre and Library
- Helensburgh Community Centre and Library
- North Wollongong Surf Club and Seawall
- Otford Causeway
- Future Works and Projects
- Roadworks
- Tenders, Quotations and EOIs
- Sustainability at Council
- Projects Open for Feedback
Access to Information
- Agency Information Guide
Information Registers
- Contracts Register
- Council Position Statements Register
- Council Resolutions
- Council Voting Register
- Current Leases and Licences
- Data Breach Public Notification Register
- Delegations Register
- Designated Officers
- Development Application Register (Application Tracking)
- Development Approvals
- Development Contributions Register
- Disclosure Log
- Graffiti Removal Register
- Investments Register
- Land Register
- Planning Agreements Register
- Tree Removal Register
- Political Donations and Gifts
- Variation to Development Standards Register
- Council Documents
- Jobs at Council
- Tenders, Quotations and EOIs
- Corporate Governance
Committees and Groups
- Aboriginal Reference Group
- Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
- City of Wollongong Awards Committee
- Cycling Advisory Groups
- Floodplain Committees
- Lake Illawarra CMP Implementation Group
- Sports and Facilities Reference Group
- Traffic Committee
- Walking, Cycling and Mobility Reference Group
- West Dapto Review Committee
- Wollongong Heritage Reference Group
- Southern Regional Planning Panel
- Wollongong Local Planning Panel
- Emergency Management