The information below explains the steps you will generally need to take once you have an approved development consent that involves subdivision of land (torrens), strata subdivision, or community title subdivision.
For information about building on land after it has been subdivided, see our Building pages.
Your development consent will explain any conditions that are relevant to your specific project.
We recommend you use the services of a Consulting Civil Engineer or a Registered Land Surveyor to prepare applications at all stages of the subdivision process.
The steps you will generally need to follow for work on a subdivision include:
Before any work starts, you will need to get an approved Subdivision Works Certificate from Council or a private certifier.
After a Subdivision Works Certificate has been issued, you must appoint a Principal Certifier to oversee the development's construction works.
The Principal Certifier makes sure construction works match your development consent, approved construction certificate plans, Council’s policies and guidelines, and relevant legislative requirements.
For subdivision works Wollongong City Council must be appointed as your Principal Certifier before the start of works. The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 allows accredited certifiers (other than Council) to oversee subdivision construction works where the Local Environmental Plan has identified that accredited certifiers can be used. However, Wollongong Council’s Local Environmental Plan does not allow a private accredited certifier to be the Principal Certifier. An accredited certifier (private) can issue the subdivision works certificate only.
To appoint Council as your Principal Certifier, you will need to make a Principal Certifier Appointment Application through the NSW Planning Portal.
Use the button below to submit your application. You will be asked to log in or create an account to get started.
For help using the NSW Planning Portal, please see the Support Hub.
Parent HierarchyArea | Fee NameFee Name | GSTGST | Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST) |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Principal Certifying Authority Fees - Subdivision Works (Including All Mandatory Inspections) | Fee NameMinimum Application Fee | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$2,235.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Principal Certifying Authority Fees - Subdivision Works (Including All Mandatory Inspections) | Fee NameApplication Fee per lot | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$560.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Principal Certifying Authority Fees - Subdivision Works (Including All Mandatory Inspections) | Fee NameAdditional Inspection Fee – This fee is payable on third inspection of failed mandatory holdpoint. Practical Completion Inspection will not be done until outstanding PCA fees paid | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$261.00 |
Before work starts, a pre-construction meeting must be held with the developer, construction personnel and Council.
Call us on (02) 4227 7111 to arrange a pre-commencement meeting.
During construction, the contractor and project manager of the works must adhere to Council’s Subdivision Policy PDF, 1723.35 KB. This policy outlines the points at which the Principal Certifier must conduct inspections – see Annexure CQC-A for details.
The site must also be managed during high wind or large rainfall events to protect the environment and surrounding areas. The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage has a guide, known as the ‘Blue Book’, which outlines how soil and stormwater should be managed during construction.
Council’s standard drawings should be followed during construction of a subdivision. You can download a copy of our standard drawings below.
Wollongong City Council Standard Drawings PDF, 5509.54 KB
For work in the City Centre, you will also need to follow the manual below:
You need to get Council’s endorsement if you want to add or remove restrictions on land for a subdivision. This includes creating or removing an easement, restriction on land, or positive covenant.
Once subdivision works have been finished and you have received practical completion from Council, you can apply for a Subdivision Certificate.
Please note, you cannot submit this application until all work is done, and all conditions in your development consent and approved Subdivision Construction Certificate have been met.
You must also include any other details or documents required by your development consent, listed under 'Prior to issue of subdivision certificate'.
All applications for Subdivision Certificates must be made online via the NSW Planning Portal. Hard copy applications will no longer be accepted.
The button below will take you to the NSW Planning Portal to submit an application.
You will be asked to log in or create an account to get started.
For help using the NSW Planning Portal, please see the Support Hub.
Once approved, Council will sign and return your plan of subdivision, deposited plan administration sheet and 88b instrument (if applicable) with the subdivision certificate. This does not create the proposed lot/s; you will then need to register the subdivision with NSW Land Registry Services.
Current fees for subdivision certificates are shown below, or search our full Fees and Charges.
Parent HierarchyArea | Fee NameFee Name | GSTGST | Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST) |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Certificates | Strata Subdivision | Fee NameApplication Fee | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$670.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Certificates | Involving Subdivision Works Required By A Development Approval | Fee NameApplication Fee (Torrens and Community Title Subdivision) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$610.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Certificates | Strata Subdivision | Fee NameApplication Fee per additional lots above one plus above fee | GSTY | Fee incl. GST$228.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Certificates | Involving Subdivision Works Required By A Development Approval | Fee NameApplication Fee per additional lots above one plus above fee | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$329.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Certificates | Submission Of Additional Information | Fee NameApplication for full/partial release of security deposit or bank guarantee | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$525.00 |
Parent HierarchyGovernance And Administration | Copying/scanning Documents | Application Scanning Fees For Building Certificate, Section 68, Pre-lodgement Or Subdivision Certificates | Fee NameApplication Scanning Fees for more than 15 pages | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$47.50 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Certificates | Submission Of Additional Information | Fee NameApplication to lodge security deposit or bank guarantee to enable construction works to be deferred and/or bonded. Note: no fee applicable where works to be bonded are required by conditions of development consent or in compliance with a relevant | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$525.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Certificates | Involving Subdivision Works Required By A Development Approval | Fee NameBoundary Adjustment | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$610.00 |
Parent HierarchyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Certificates | Submission Of Additional Information | Fee NameSubmission of information where required by conditions of development consent and not lodged at time of subdivision certificate application | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$170.00 |
The final step to complete your subdivision is to register it with NSW Land Registry Services. This must be done by the land owner.
Visit the NSW Land Registry Services website for more information.
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Development and Planning Rules
- State and Regional Planning Policies
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- Exempt and Complying Development
- Council's Development Policies
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- Development on Bush Fire Prone Land
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- Assessments and Determinations
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- Development Registers
- Community Land