Modify or Amend a Development Application
If you need to make changes to a development application (DA) after it's been lodged, you may be able to modify or amend it.
Amendments and modifications only cover minor changes to things that were included in your original proposal. If your changes are significantly different to your original proposal, or include new features, you will need to lodge a new application.
We recommend you contact us on (02) 4227 7111 for advice before making an application for a modification or amendment.
Amendments are changes made to a DA after it is lodged, but before a determination has been made.
There are two main reasons you might make an amendment:
- If you change details of your project and want to update your application
- If Council asks you to change something or provide more information.
If your original DA has already been put on public exhibition, it may need to be re-exhibited. If this happens you will need to pay extra notification fees.
How to make an amendment
If you submitted your DA through the NSW Planning Portal, use the button below to make an amendment.
If you did not submit your application through the NSW Planning Portal, you will need to complete the form below and return it to Council to make an amendment.
Lodgement of Additional Information PDF, 50.22 KB
For more information, please call us on (02) 4227 7111.
Modifications are changes made to a DA after it has been approved.
Modifications can only be used to change details of work or activity that was approved in the original application. If you want to add a feature or structure that wasn’t in the original proposal you will need to make a new application.
There are three types of modification applications you can make:
- Modifications to correct a minor error, misdescription or miscalculation
- Modifications that will have a minimal environmental impact
- All other modifications, including those where Council may need to re-notify the modified proposal, and / or consult with other government departments or agencies.
You should check with Council about which type of modification is suitable in your case before you apply. Call us on (02) 4227 7111 for advice.
When you're ready, use the button below to apply for a modification through the NSW Planning Portal.
Note that application fees apply to modifications.
If you already have a Construction Certificate, you might also need to apply for a new one after modifying a DA. Contact us if you need advice.
As well as the relevant application form (and for modifications, the checklist) above, the following information needs to be included with all applications to amend or modify a DA:
- A digital copy of the modified or amended plans and relevant documents such as a Statement of Environmental Effects.
- All plans must clearly indicate the proposed changes, by highlighting them with either 'hatching' or 'clouding'.
- All modified or amended plans must be re-numbered and re-dated.
- A statement outlining the proposed modifications or amendments, and reasons for the changes.
- Payment of applicable fees.
Note that Council will not accept previous stamped approved plans as the modification plans.
- Maps
- Property Information
Development and Planning Rules
- State and Regional Planning Policies
- Local Environmental Plans
- Development Control Plan
- Exempt and Complying Development
- Council's Development Policies
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- Development Advice
- Submit a Development Application
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