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City of Wollongong


Housing needs in our community are changing. We are responding to this and considering how we can address current housing issues and ease housing stress. We are also looking at the types of housing we might need across our city in the future.

Council has a role to play in the local housing market. We do this through planning controls, development assessment, providing local infrastructure, community services and advocacy. We work where we can to provide well-planned and connected housing opportunities, and the right services that continue to improve our city’s liveability.

There are also many things outside Council's control that affect housing, such as the rising cost of living, interest rates, and policies and infrastructure managed by the NSW and Australian governments.

Wollongong Housing Strategy

Planning for housing is an important role that Council provides at a local level. Council adopted the Wollongong Housing Strategy PDF, 10610.09 KB in February 2023.

The Housing Strategy was informed by community feedback. Its aim is to guide Council on how we will manage and plan for housing across the Wollongong area over the next 10 to 20 years.

The Housing Strategy looks to balance our growing community’s needs with measures to protect our local environment, infrastructure requirements and meet housing targets set by the NSW Government.

More about housing