An approval must be obtained to operate a manufactured home estate, caravan park or camping ground. It is an offence not to obtain this approval.
The Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates, Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2021 deals generally with granting, amendment, extension, renewal. revocation and modification of approvals.
Approvals granted are time-limited and subject to conditions. A breach of any of these conditions is an offence under the Act.
You will need to make an Activity Application online and attach relevant supporting documents. These include:
- A completed Manufactured Home Estate / Caravan Park / Camping Ground Registration Form PDF, 52.98 KB
- A copy of the current community map
- A fire safety statement signed by the owner/s of the premises, or a person acting on their behalf, for the maintenance fire services (eg hose reels, hydrants).
Apply online
Use the NSW Planning Portal to apply.
The button below will take you to the NSW Planning Portal to submit an application.
You will be asked to log in or create an account to get started.
For help using the NSW Planning Portal, please see the Support Hub.
Within 7 days of completing the installation of a moveable dwelling, manufactured home or an associated structure, the person undertaking the works must provide a completed Notice of Completion of Installation PDF, 346.5 KB.
In order to assess an application for a Notice of Completion of Installation under the regulation, it must be accompanied by the following information:
- Site number.
- Details of the compliance plate which must be affixed to the moveable dwelling, manufactured home or an associated structure.
- Certification from a professional engineer for structural soundness.
- A fully dimensioned diagram of the dwelling site on which the moveable dwelling, manufactured home or an associated structure has been installed. The diagram must be sufficient to indicate whether the required setback, density, open space and site delineation requirements have been complied with.
- Any additional information required in the approval to install.
Once Council has received the Notice of Installation together with all required supporting information, the Council will assess the application and if compliant, issue a Certificate of Completion. Note that fees apply.
In certain circumstances, it is possible to seek variation to the requirements of the Regulation where you believe compliance with any provision of those regulations is unreasonable or unnecessary in the particular circumstances of the case.
An experienced consultant can assist with the preparation of a justification report under Section 82 of the Local Government Act 1993.
If Council supports the objection it will be referred to the Director General of the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for final determination.
Use the form below to make an objection.
Objection Made Under Section 82 of the Local Government Act 1993 PDF, 247.72 KB
Note that fees apply.
Current fees and charges for the operation of caravan parks, manufactured home estates and camping grounds are shown below. You can also see our full list of fees and charges.
Fee NameFee Name | GSTGST | Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST) |
Fee NameApplication to Amend Approval Operate Manufactured Home Estate/Caravan Park and/or Camping Ground | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$780.00 |
Fee NameInspection fee associated with installation approval of manufactured home or moveable dwelling on land other than in a caravan park/manufactured home estate (Per inspection) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$236.00 |
Fee NameManufactured Home Estate/Caravan Park and or Camping Ground – Approval to Operate (200 sites or more) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$2,590.00 |
Fee NameManufactured Home Estate/Caravan Park and or Camping Ground – Approval to Operate (up to 200 sites) | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$2,075.00 |
Fee NameSection 82 Local Government Act Objection Assessment Fee within a Caravan Park or Manufactured Home Estate. In all other cases, 50% of listed fee. | GSTN | Fee incl. GST$780.00 |
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- Flooding, Stormwater and Development
- Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Manufactured Home Estates
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