It's easier than ever to recycle problem waste from your household with our Community Recycling Stations.
Our Community Recycling Stations (CRS) are a safe way to keep problem items out of landfill, and recover valuable materials to be re-used. Items are handled so they don't harm the environment.
What you can recycle
Each CRS accepts household quantities of the following items:
- Household batteries - AA, AAA, C, D and 9V (both rechargeable and non-rechargable)
- Mobile phones and accessories
- Smoke alarms
- X-rays.
You'll find Community Recycling Stations (CRS) at these locations:
- Wollongong City Council Customer Service Centre, 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong.
- Thirroul Library
- Corrimal Library
- Dapto Library
- Warrawong Library