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City of Wollongong

Creative Wollongong Short Film Competition Guidelines

Please read this guide and our Competition Terms and Conditions before entering the Creative Wollongong Short Film Competition.


  • You need to include water in your film.
  • Each film needs to be filmed in a location with a natural water source (lake, river, creek, ocean, etc) within the Wollongong or Shellharbour Local Government Areas, or, include some footage of such a location. Water does not have to be central to the story, but it must appear at some stage during the film.
  • Your film must have been made in 2023-2024, in response to the festival’s theme.
  • Copyrighted material will not be accepted, unless there is written permission to do so.
  • The film must be an original production. It may not infringe on the copyright, trademark or other rights of any individual.
  • As we might be screening your film in a public forum, you will have to use copyright-free music scores or homemade scores.
  • No violence, racist or other unsuitable content is allowed.
  • The film can be in colour or black and white.
  • Your film can be any genre, such as drama, comedy, documentary, etc.


  • Your film can be shot entirely on a mobile device (smartphones, tablets, GoPro) in HD video. You can also use DSLR and compact cameras, and / or multiple devices.
  • You can edit the video with any app / software.
  • Use of additional equipment (professional or homemade) is allowed.

Film specifications

  • Your film must be longer than 1 minute and no longer than 15 minutes, including titles and credits.
  • Your film must be in 16:9 ratio.
  • Your film must be filmed in HD quality.
  • The film can be in any language. If the film is in a language other than English, you must add English subtitles.
  • Films should be uploaded to YouTube as an unlisted or private video for submission. If the film is 'private', you will need to tell us any password needed so we can view it.
  • If your entry is selected for screening, you will need to also give us the original file (we'll contact you to arrange this).

Film festival terms

By entering this competition, you grant Wollongong City Council the right to use your film on any Council-owned social media channels or websites at Council's discretion, and at a future film festival hosted by Wollongong City Council (date and venue to be confirmed).

Judging criteria

Your film will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Strength of story
  • Quality of narrative and production values
  • Creativity and originality
  • Extra marks for use of water and identifiable locations in the Wollongong or Shellharbour areas.

Awards and Prizes

  • There will be 3 x Best Film Awards judged by a panel of industry experts in each category.
  • There will be 1 x Best Performance Award in each category
  • A selection of prizes to the value of $4,000 will be shared between the prize winners.

Editing apps

You can use any app or software to edit your film. If you don't already have an editing program, below are some guides to free options you might like to consider.

Please note, Council does not endorse any particular app or software over another.


If you have a question about this competition, please get in touch with Council's Cultural Development team by email or call (02) 4227 7111.