We've put together some useful information below to help you understand and look after your new dog.
These tips and tricks have been prepared for people who are adopting a dog or looking after a dog through our foster care program. However, they can be handy for anyone who has a furry family member!
Dog care tips
Keep your details up to date!
When you first get a dog, you need to make sure it's microchipped and registered. These are two separate processes, but you only need to do them once.
However, if your contact details change at any time - or if your dog goes to a new owner - it's very important that you update this information on the NSW Pet Registry.
You should also let your vet know about these changes, but that is a separate process to updating the Registry.
And if your dog has a tag with your phone number on it, make sure you update that too!
Visit our Dog Beaches and Parks page to find local outdoor areas you can enjoy with your dog.