Below are some important things you need to do as a responsible dog owner.
Your dog needs to be microchipped by a vet before it's 12 weeks old, or when it goes to a new owner – whichever happens first.
Once it's microchipped, make sure your dog is properly registered, and that you keep their details up to date.
If your dog is lost, having your dog correctly microchipped and registered can help them get back to you more quickly. This could also avoid your dog ending up at the pound, and save you having to pay to get them back.
See our Pet Registration page for more information.
Desexing your dog is recommended to help reduce some behaviour problems and stop unwanted litters. It’s also cheaper to register your dog if they’re desexed.
Talk to your vet if you need more information.
You must do everything you can to stop your dog from escaping your property.
You can be fined or be issued a Nuisance Order if your dog is found roaming outside your property.
See our Find or Claim Your Lost Pet page for advice on what to do if your dog goes missing.
Your dog has to wear a collar and tag any time it’s outside your property. You can be fined if your dog doesn’t have a collar and tag.
If your dog is lost, having your phone number on the tag can help them get back to you more quickly. This could also avoid your dog ending up at the pound, and save you having to pay to get them back.
You can take your dog to many public places, including some parks and beaches.
In places marked as off leash areas, your dog can run free. Note that you are still required to keep your dog under effective control while it is off leash.
Everywhere else, your dog needs to be on a lead and under the control of a responsible adult. This includes car parks, walking trails and footpaths.
There are some places where dogs are not allowed:
- Within 10 metres of a children’s play area
- Within 10 metres of an area where food is prepared or eaten, except at cafes or restaurants that allow dogs in outdoor dining areas
- School grounds
- Child care centres
- Rock platforms, ocean or rock pools and many beaches. See our Dog Beaches and Parks page for details.
- Wildlife protection areas
- Any public place that has a sign saying dogs are prohibited. This can include shopping centres, sportsgrounds, pools, parks and more.
You can be fined if your dog is off leash in an on leash only area, or is in a ‘dogs prohibited’ area, regardless of whether your dog is on or off leash.
When out with your dog, pick up the poo! You must clean up any mess or damage caused by your dog. We provide dog poo bags on most Council bins for public use.
Under the Companion Animals Act 1998 a dog is a nuisance dog if it:
- consistently roams; or
- makes persistent, excessive noise; or
- repeatedly defecates on private property other than the property on which it is ordinarily kept; or
- repeatedly runs at or chases a person, animal (other than vermin or in the course of droving, tending, working or protecting livestock) or vehicle; or
- endangers the health of a person or animal (other than vermin or in the course of droving, tending, working or protecting livestock); or
- repeatedly causes substantial damage to anything outside the property on which it is ordinarily kept.
If a dog is causing a nuisance, including barking or roaming, you should talk to the owner and try and find a mutually acceptable solution first.
Another option is to contact a Community Justice Centre. This is an independent centre that provides free mediation to help people solve disputes. For information on your nearest Community Justice Centre, visit the NSW Communities and Justice website.
If other attempts to solve the issue don't work, or if you aren't comfortable with approaching the owner, you can report it to Council online or call (02) 4227 7111 during business hours.
If a dog is behaving aggressively, or if you or your pet are the victim of a dog attack, please report this to Council by calling (02) 4227 7111 at any hour. Council officers are on call to respond to aggressive or dangerous dog attacks 7 days a week, at any time.
Dogs can be declared as menacing or dangerous if they’re unreasonably aggressive, or if they attack or threaten people or other animals.
Owners of dogs that are identified as menacing or dangerous have to follow extra rules to protect others from their dog.
From 1 July 2020, you will also have to get an annual permit for dangerous dogs.
You can read more about dangerous or menacing dogs on the Office of Local Government’s website.
Annual permits are required for restricted and dangerous dogs.
For details, visit the Office of Local Government website,
You can also email the NSW Pet Registry, or call 1300 134 460 for more information.
Some types of dogs are restricted by law. It is illegal to buy or accept a restricted dog.
Dogs that are restricted include:
- Pitbull terrier
- American pitbull terrier
- Japanese tosa
- Argentinean fighting dog
- Brazilian fighting dog.
Dogs that are a cross-breed of the types listed above are also restricted.
If you own a restricted dog, you will have to follow extra rules, as well as the rules that apply to all dogs.
From 1 July 2020, you will have to get an annual permit for restricted dogs.
You also must get a Certificate from Council to approve the enclosure where the dog will be kept. Call Council on (02) 4227 7111 for advice.
For a full list of restricted dogs and all the rules related to keeping a restricted dog, visit the Office of Local Government website.
It is the owner’s responsibility to find a new home for a cat or dog that they can no longer keep or do not want. If you are unable to rehome your pet yourself, you can ask to surrender it to Council. We charge a fee for this service and there is a waiting period.
Please note:
- There is no after-hours service for surrendering animals.
- You can only apply to surrender cats or dogs. Other types of animals cannot be surrendered to Council.
- Requests will only be met if we have the capacity to accept the animal. At times we may either be unable to accept an animal, or there may be a delay before we can accept it.
- You are encouraged to try any other available methods to rehome the animal (for example, offering it to friends or on social media) before you ask to surrender it to Council.
To ask us about options for surrendering a cat or dog, use the button below or call (02) 4227 7111 during business hours.