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City of Wollongong

Older People

We work to make Wollongong a place where older residents are supported and actively involved in the life of our community.

We have an Ageing Plan that explains our work to support older people in Wollongong.  You can read the plan below:

We also provide a range of services to support people over 65 to continue an active and independent lifestyle.

Programs and services are listed below.

Each year we present a great programs of events as part of NSW Seniors Festival.

Seniors Festival 2025 was held from 3 - 16 March.

We'll update our website with details of Seniors Festival 2026 when we get closer to the date.

Old Boys Social Club is a program of free activities for older men. We can also help out with transport if you need help getting to and from activities.

See our Old Boys Social Club page for details, and come along!

Get out of the house, socialise and explore our city with Day Trips for seniors.

With door-to-door pick up and drop off to your home, our Day Trips include a wide range of outings, from Op Shop Trails to visits to art galleries, concerts, markets and more. Meet new friends, catch up with old friends, and enjoy getting out and about with our staff and volunteers.

These Day Trips are suitable for people aged 65 years or older (or 50 years or older for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people), and have a small fee.

To take part, you must be registered with My Aged Care. Visit the My Aged Care website or call 1800 200 422 to get started. Ask to be referred to Community Transport at Wollongong City Council, and My Aged Care will connect you with us.

To find out more, call our Community Transport team on 1300 987 422.

Upcoming Day Trips

We don't have any day trips scheduled right now, but please check back soon.

We provide Social Support and activities for people who are 65 years or over and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are 50 years or older. Support and activities are based on your personal needs and interests.

Social Support

We can provide support on a one-to-one basis so you can participate in social and recreational activities in your home or in the community.

Activities for individuals

  • We can provide support and assist you do your shopping, buy clothes or gifts, pay bills or get to appointments.
  • Support in your home: A support person will come around for a chat, a cup of tea or to share a hobby, such as knitting or playing cards.
  • Support for social activities in the community: A support person will accompany you while you go out to lunch, swimming, to bingo, to the markets or other social activities.
  • Bus trips to a variety of different local places, with lunch included.
  • Bus trips for men to destinations chosen by the group that are of interest to men, such as a local history tour of Port Kembla, fishing with a tour and talk at BlueScope Steel works.

Social groups

Our Social Groups are a fun-filled day where you can join in with activities such as arts and crafts, bingo, gentle exercises, yoga and entertainers as well as a monthly bus trip.

You can attend Social Groups at venues in Thirroul, Corrimal, Fairy Meadow and Windang. Transport to the group and a hot lunch are provided. If you have questions, email or call us on (02) 4227 7888.

To use these services, you must be registered with My Aged Care. Visit the My Aged Care website or call 1800 200 422 to get started. Ask to be referred to Social Support Services at Wollongong City Council, and My Aged Care will connect you with us.

Our Social Support Services program is funded by the Australian Department of Health. A contribution is required for these services.

Become a Social Support volunteer

Our Social Support and Activities programs are provided thanks to our amazing volunteers. Volunteers can work one-on-one, in group activities, or on buses. If you'd like to take part, check out our Volunteering page. New volunteers are always welcome!

Council offers two types of compassionate bin services for people who can't physically move their bins, and for kidney dialysis patients.

For details and application forms, visit the Wollongong Waste website or call us on (02) 4227 7111.

Community Transport: Wollongong – Shellharbour (CTWS) helps people who have trouble accessing private and public transport.

CTWS also has a Taxi Voucher scheme available.

Visit the CTWS website or call 1300 987 422 for more information.

Become a Community Transport volunteer

If you’ve got some spare time and want to get involved as a Community Transport driver or helper, check out our Volunteering page. New volunteers are always welcome!

Wollongong City Libraries has audio books, large print books and bookmark magnifiers to help you access the books you love.

A Home Library Service is available for residents who are housebound due to frailty, illness, injury or disability.

Our libraries also run classes to teach older people how to use technology like computers, iPads and mobile phones.

Visit a branch or the libraries’ website, or call (02) 4227 7414 for more information.

Beaton Park Leisure Centre has plenty of facilities to keep you fit at any age, including a gym and indoor heated pool. They also run exercise classes specially for people over 50.

Visit the Leisure Centres' website or call (02) 4227 7755 for more information.

Eligible pensioners can apply to get a discount of up to $250 on their Council rates. See our Pay Your Rates page for details.

My Aged Care

This is an Australian Government service for people over 65, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over 50. Visit the My Aged Care website to access a broad range of services and information.

NSW Seniors Card

Permanent residents of NSW who are aged 60 or over and work 20 hours or less per week can apply for a NSW Seniors Card. This card gives you discounts and special offers at thousands of businesses across NSW.

For details or to apply, visit the NSW Seniors Card website.

Ageing and Disability Abuse

If you suspect abuse is happening to someone, or if you’re an older person or a person with disability experiencing abuse, you can report it to the NSW Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline on 1800 628 221.

To use this service with the help of an interpreter, call 131 450 and tell the operator the language you need.

Visit the NSW Ageing & Disability Commission website for more information.

Planning Ahead Tools

Legal Aid NSW’s Planning Ahead Tools website is a great resource to help you manage legal, health and financial decisions such as wills, power of attorney or enduring guardianship.

Council on the Ageing NSW

Council on the Ageing NSW (COTA) is the peak organisation for people over 50 in New South Wales. Visit the COTA website for more information.

Seniors Rights Service

Seniors Rights Service is a community legal centre that provides advocacy, legal advice and education to older people in NSW. Visit their website or call 1800 424 079 for more information.

Events for older people

Upcoming events for older people are shown below, or see our events calendar to find more activities for all ages.