We work to make people be, and feel, safe in our city.
Our community safety work includes education campaigns, crime prevention, and designing public spaces to discourage anti-social behaviour. We also partner with the police, businesses, residents and the Community Safety Interagency Group to make Wollongong a safer place.
Our Community Safety Plan
We have a Community Safety Plan that explains the work we’re doing to create a safer city. You can read it below.
Wollongong Community Safety Plan 2021-2025 PDF, 3037.54 KB
Understanding Safety
We ask people how safe they feel in their own neighbourhood and the City Centre. This feedback helps us decide what areas we need to focus on to improve safety.
You can read the results of our most recent survey below:
Perceptions of Safety survey results 2017 PDF, 166.09 KB
We can also help businesses or community groups to make safety improvements by doing Community Safety Audits. Contact us to find out more or request an audit.