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City of Wollongong

Traffic Signal Boxes

Traffic signal boxes across our city are owned and managed by Transport for NSW.

We've worked with Transport for NSW and local artists to paint them with original designs. The most recent round of artwork was funded by the Attorney General's Office.

As well as brightening our city, this program aims to cover and deter illegal graffiti which can often be found on the boxes.

Any future opportunities for artists to apply to paint traffic signal boxes will be advertised on our Opportunities for Artists and Performers page.

Most recent works 2023

See recently painted traffic signal boxes below or explore our searchable map.

 Jessica AlexanderPioneer Road, East Corrimal
 Marissa BakerCorner of Princes Highway and Baan Baan Street, Dapto
 Adam ClarkCorner of Boronia Avenue and Windang Road, Windang
 Sally ConwellCorner of Princes Highway and Park Road, Bulli
 Luke CornishCorner of Kanahooka Road and Brownsville Avenue, Brownsville
 Luke CornishCorner of Princes Highway and Hospital Road, Bulli
 Trish FaganoCorner of Wattle Street and Windang Road, Windang
 Emily GatswoodCorner of Keira and Crown streets, Wollongong
  Samuel Hall Corner of Towradgi Road and Princes Highway, Towradgi
 Narelle HappCorner of Smith and Church streets, Wollongong
 Jack HendryCorner of Point Street and Princes Highway, Bulli
 Glenda Hill-BaulchCorner of Gipps Road and Foley Street, Gwynneville
 Michael IllieCorner of Princes Highway and Central Road, Unanderra
 JarrahCorner of Princes Highway and Collins Street, Corrimal
 Liv KM1 Princes Motorway off ramp at Five Islands Road, Unanderra
 Liv KCorner of Corrimal and Burelli streets, Wollongong
 Shreekumar Sasidharan Nair KamlasadanamCorner of Gipps Road and Flinders Street, Wollongong
 Keira High StudentsCorner of Flinders Street and Ajax Avenue, North Wollongong
 Leaf KlevjerCorner of Lake Avenue and Five Islands Road, Cringila
 Jodie LeeCorner of Princes Highway and Organs Road, Bulli
  Lila, Stella, Lisa and Patrick M1 Motorway exit ramp for Figtree at Princes Highway, West Wollongong
  Caroline Mackay Corner of Memorial Drive and Rothery Street, Corrimal
  Amy McCarthy M1 Motorway exit ramp at Kanahooka Road, Kanahooka
  Alice McDowell Corner of Bourke and Kembla streets, Wollongong
 Alice McDowellCorner of Stewart and Kembla streets, Wollongong
 Aimee MillburnCorner of Princes Highway and Hobart Street, Bulli
 Anna NeillCorner of Northcliffe Drive and King Street, Warrawong
  Rochelle North Corner of Keira and Victoria streets, Wollongong
 Clare O'TooleCorner of Crown Street and Gladstone Avenue, Wollongong
 Kate PeacockPrinces Highway between The Avenue and Bellevue Road, Figtree
  Amy Pitt Corner of Princes Highway and West Dapto Road, Kembla Grange
 Kaylee ProkopCorner of Bridge Street and Gladstone Avenue, Coniston
 Kaylee ProkopCorner of Five Islands Road and Marley Place, Unanderra
 Sarah RowanCorner of Burelli and Church streets, Wollongong
 Lara SCorner of Flinders and Five Islands roads, Port Kembla
 Sebastian SmithCorner of Five Islands and Recycling roads, Cringila
 Violetta StrabicCorner of Keira and Smith streets, Wollongong
 Violetta StrabicCorner of Robsons Road and Mount Keira Road, Wollongong
 Violetta StrabicCorner of Lawrence Hargrave Drive and Phillip Road, Thirroul
 Corrine TCorner of Shellharbour Road and Primbee Bypass Road, Primbee
 Zoe Van AkkerCorner of Memorial Drive and York Road, Woonona
 Sharon VenessCorner of Memorial Drive and Bellambi Lane, Bellambi
 Crystal WardCorner of Princes Highway and London Drive, West Wollongong
  Jyi Westaway Corner of Princes Highway and Elliotts Road, Fairy Meadow
Jyi WestawayCorner of Kenny and Burelli streets, Wollongong
 Jyi WestawayCorner of Memorial Drive and Towradgi Road, Towradgi
 Jyi WestawayFlagstaff Road, Warrawong
 Jyi WestawayCorner of Princes Highway and Victoria Street, Unanderra
 Jyi WestawayCorner of Central Avenue, Nudjia Road and Blackmans Parade, Unanderra
 Jyi WestawayCorner of Railway Street and Pioneer Road, East Corrimal
 Sunday WindsorCorner of Atchison and Burelli streets, Wollongong
 Malekai YoussefCorner of Pioneer Road and Rothery Street, Bellambi
 Peter ZankoLake Avenue, Cringila
 Peter ZankoPorter Street, Wollongong

Keep an eye on our Opportunities for Artists and Performers page for any future invitations to artists to paint traffic signal boxes.