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City of Wollongong

Garden Organics Fees and Charges

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items
Parent HierachyArea Fee NameFee Name GSTGST Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST)
Parent HierachyWaste Management | Household Waste - Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park Only | Garden Organics & Wood Waste Fee NameMinimum charge (100kg or less) GSTY Current Fee$16.00
Parent HierachyWaste Management | Household Waste - Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park Only | Garden Organics & Wood Waste Fee NameCharge per tonne (Greater than 100kg) GSTY Current Fee$160.00
Parent HierachyWaste Management | Commercial And Business Waste - Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park Only | Garden Organics And Wood Waste Fee NameMinimum charge (200kg or less) GSTY Current Fee$32.00
Parent HierachyWaste Management | Commercial And Business Waste - Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park Only | Garden Organics And Wood Waste Fee NameCharge per tonne (Greater than 200kg) GSTY Current Fee$160.00
Parent HierachyWaste Management | Charges During Weighbridge Failure - Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park Only | General Waste | Garden Organics Fee NameGarden Organics small (cars, station wagons, + 1/2 ute tray or trailer loads) GSTY Current Fee$15.50
Parent HierachyWaste Management | Charges During Weighbridge Failure - Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park Only | General Waste | Garden Organics Fee NameGarden Organics large (car or wagon with trailer loads, full ute/trailer loads) GSTY Current Fee$41.50
Parent HierachyWaste Management | Charges During Weighbridge Failure - Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park Only | General Waste | Garden Organics Fee NameTruck - Small Commercial GSTY Current Fee$83.50
Parent HierachyWaste Management | Charges During Weighbridge Failure - Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park Only | General Waste | Garden Organics Fee NameTruck - Medium Commercial GSTY Current Fee$505.00
Parent HierachyWaste Management | Charges During Weighbridge Failure - Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park Only | General Waste | Garden Organics Fee NameTruck - Large Commercial GSTY Current Fee$1,085.00