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City of Wollongong

Rating Categories

Every property in Wollongong is given a category that's used to help work out rates. This category is based on how the property is used (not your land zone).

There are four main rating categories:

  • Residential
  • Business (this category has six sub-categories)
  • Farmland
  • Mining.

You can check your latest rates notice or the maps below to see what category your property falls under. If you think it has been given the wrong category, call us on (02) 4227 7111 or use the form below to ask for it to be changed.

Application for Change in Rating Category PDF, 36.25 KB

Farmland Rating

To request to have your property rated as farmland, use the form below. You will also need to show that the land is used in a way that matches the definition of farmland that's explained in the Local Government Act.

Farmland Rating Application. PDF, 109.34 KB

Rating category maps

You can view rating categories using the maps in the document below.

City of Wollongong Rating Category Maps PDF, 21342.66 KB

Please note, we update the document above each year, but rating categories for individual properties can change any time. We can't guarantee the categories shown in these maps are correct in all cases.

If you need to confirm the category for a property, call us on (02) 4227 7111 or visit our Customer Service Centre at 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong.

We also make rating category maps available for inspection at our offices as part of our draft operational plan exhibition, in line with the Local Government Act.