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City of Wollongong

Extra Green Waste

You can take extra garden waste to our Waste Depot at Whyte's Gully, including:

  • grass clippings and leaves
  • prunings and twigs
  • untreated timber (no painted or manufactured wood, such as MDF)
  • small branches less than 150mm in diameter.

Fees apply (please see below).

Tell the weighbridge staff that you have green waste, and they'll direct you to the drop off area.

Fees for household green waste

Parent HierarchyArea Fee NameFee Name GSTGST Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST)
Parent HierarchyWaste Management | Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park | Household Waste | Garden Organics And Wood Waste Fee NameCharge per tonne (Greater than 100kg) GSTY Fee incl. GST$174.00
Parent HierarchyWaste Management | Wollongong Waste And Resource Recovery Park | Household Waste | Garden Organics And Wood Waste Fee NameMinimum charge (100kg or less) GSTY Fee incl. GST$17.50

Upcoming waste events