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City of Wollongong

Executive Management Delegations

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 items
Title: Title Delegations: Delegations
Name: Administration Assistant Delegations:

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

Name: Director Community Services Delegations:

AA01 Act as a Council Investigation Officer within the meaning of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

AA02 Authority to enter any premises pursuant to section 9.16 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

AA03 Act as an authorised person within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA04 Authority to enter any premises pursuant to section 191 and 191A of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA05 Authority to commence proceedings for an offence pursuant to section 684 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA06 Authority to represent Council as though they are the party concerned in Local Court proceedings and institute and carry on any Local Court proceedings which Council is authorised to institute and carry on pursuant to section 687(a) and (b) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA17 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (NSW).

AA20 Authorise correspondence of a non-standard nature, such as interpretation of Council policy and responses to public complaints, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA21 Authorise correspondence of a standard nature, such as replies to routine enquiries from the public, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA22 Grant a short-term licence for grazing or any other prescribed purpose pursuant to s2.20 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (NSW).

AA23 Grant a licence for a short term casual purpose pursuant to section 46(1)(b)(iii) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA24 Determine an application pursuant to Division 1 of Part 9 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW) to use part of a footway for the purposes of a restaurant and to authorise a holder of an approval to erect and maintain structures in, on or over any part of the footway the subject of such approval.

AA25 Grant a lease or licence of community land pursuant to section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) for a period of 5 years or less.

AA26 Subject to Part 3 Division 3.4 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (NSW), grant a lease or licence of Crown land classified as community land pursuant to section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) for a period of 5 years of less

AA30 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO PUBLIC OFFICER AND DIRECTORS Execute on behalf of Council (but not under the Common Seal of Council) all documents which are capable of being lawfully executed by Council.

AA31 Execute on behalf of Council, in its capacity as land owner or trustee, but not under the Common Seal of Council, any permit to enter, development application, construction certificate application and application under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) in relation to either Council owned land or Crown Land under Council trusteeship.

AA32 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTOR CORPORATE SERVICES, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES AND PUBLIC OFFICER Authorise a letter of sub-delegation of Council functions to a volunteer to undertake functions of Council.

AA33 Grant a lease or licence of operational land for a period of less than 10 years.

AA34 Grant a lease of the air space above, or land below the surface of, any public road (other than a Crown road) that is owned by Council, pursuant to section 149 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

AA35 Grant a lease of land comprising a public road (other than a Crown road) to the owner or lessee of land adjoining the public road if the road is not being used by the public, pursuant to section 153 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

AA38 Act as an authorised person within the meaning of the Library Act 1939 (NSW).

AA39 Authorise the issue of a written warning to any person considered to be responsible for unreasonable conduct in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework.

AA40 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authorise the issue to any person of a decision to restrict access to Council’s staff and/or facilities in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework. This includes making a determination on periodic reviews of existing restriction decisions.

AA41 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS AND THE PUBLIC OFFICER Make a determination on an appeal by a customer of a decision to restrict access to Council’s staff and/or facilities and issue a determination arising from such an appeal review in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework.

AA42 Enter into a short term permit, lease or licence on behalf of Council, with Council as permit holder, lessee or licensee, of land required for operational purposes.

AA55 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED BY THE PUBLIC OFFICER Act as a Disclosure Officer in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022

CP28 Determine an application for a footway dining approval pursuant to section 125 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP32 Determine an application for, revoke, transfer or extend the term of a street vending consent pursuant to Division 3 of Part 9 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP33 Determine an application to hold a road event on a public road, pursuant to section 144 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP42 Exercise the Council’s functions under the Community Land Management Act 1989 (NSW).

F06 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $250,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F19 Invite and accept quotations, with the acceptance of quotations being subject to approval from a relevant delegated authority, for a proposed contract on behalf of the Council in accordance with the requirements of Council's Procurement Framework.

F23 Waive or reduce Library fees and charges in accordance with relevant Council policies relating to Library fees and charges.

F35 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $20,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

F42 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS Authorise the disposal of assets of value less than $150,000 (including GST), other than land, and, in any case, not by donation in accordance with Council's Disposal of Assets and Impounded Items Procedures, and sign documents arising therefrom.

F45 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authorise the issuing of a letter of acceptance in relation to a proposed contract if a previous decision/approval has been provided to enter or award the contract

HR01 Authorise timesheets for employees within the area of control of the position.

HR02 Issue a first warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 1 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR03 Issue a written warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 2 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR04 Issue a final warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 3 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR05 Initiate suspension with a view to termination or dismissal with due notice, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 4 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR06 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Initiate summary dismissal, in accordance with the Summary Dismissal procedure set out in the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR07 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Appoint staff in accordance with the Council's organisation structure and resources approved by the Council.

HR08 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Determine an application for secondary employment submitted by a temporary, casual or part-time staff member.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M03 Direct officers of Council within the position-holder’s area of responsibility.

M04 Exercise Council's functions in relation to the determination of Informal Access Applications made to Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

M07 Commence, carry on or discontinue legal proceedings in any Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction on behalf of the Council (including the filing of Court Attendance Notices).

M08 Nominate and instruct legal service providers to act for, or advise, the Council in respect of any matter, including proceedings for and against the Council and the giving of instructions to the Council’s legal service provider during the course of proceedings.

M09 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS Determine, pursuant to section 166 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, the method of tendering to be used where Council is required to invite tenders in accordance with section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993.

M10 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED AFTER WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE PUBLIC OFFICER/PRIVACY OFFICER. Exercise Council's functions in relation to the determination of Access Applications made to Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 by the NSW Police Force for information recorded by Council's CCTV systems.

RE02 Give an owner or occupier of premises written notice of the Council’s intention to enter premises pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), Swimming Pools Act 1992 (NSW) and any other legislation by which an authorised officer, Council Investigation Officer, or person authorised by Council has the power to enter premises.

RE10 Give a direction on behalf of the Council under Part 7 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE14 Exercise the Council’s functions under Part 9 Division 9.3 (Development Control Orders) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), including (but not limited to) the giving of an Order pursuant to section 9.34 of that Act.

RE15 Exercise the Council's functions under Part 2 of Chapter 7 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) including (but not limited to) the giving of an Order pursuant to Section 124 of that Act.

Name: Director Corporate Services Delegations:

AA01 Act as a Council Investigation Officer within the meaning of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

AA02 Authority to enter any premises pursuant to section 9.16 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

AA03 Act as an authorised person within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA04 Authority to enter any premises pursuant to section 191 and 191A of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA05 Authority to commence proceedings for an offence pursuant to section 684 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA06 Authority to represent Council as though they are the party concerned in Local Court proceedings and institute and carry on any Local Court proceedings which Council is authorised to institute and carry on pursuant to section 687(a) and (b) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA19 Exercise the Council’s functions under the State Records Act 1998 (NSW), including the disposal of Council records and making of open & closed access directions in accordance with that Act and the State Records Regulation 2010 (NSW).

AA20 Authorise correspondence of a non-standard nature, such as interpretation of Council policy and responses to public complaints, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA21 Authorise correspondence of a standard nature, such as replies to routine enquiries from the public, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA29 Determine a request made by a person pursuant to section 739 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) that any material that is available (or is to be made available) for public inspection by or under that Act be prepared or amended so as to omit or remove any matter that would disclose or discloses the person's place of living if the person considers that the disclosure would place or places the personal safety of the person or the person's family at risk.

AA30 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO PUBLIC OFFICER AND DIRECTORS Execute on behalf of Council (but not under the Common Seal of Council) all documents which are capable of being lawfully executed by Council.

AA32 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTOR CORPORATE SERVICES, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES AND PUBLIC OFFICER Authorise a letter of sub-delegation of Council functions to a volunteer to undertake functions of Council.

AA39 Authorise the issue of a written warning to any person considered to be responsible for unreasonable conduct in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework.

AA40 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authorise the issue to any person of a decision to restrict access to Council’s staff and/or facilities in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework. This includes making a determination on periodic reviews of existing restriction decisions.

AA41 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS AND THE PUBLIC OFFICER Make a determination on an appeal by a customer of a decision to restrict access to Council’s staff and/or facilities and issue a determination arising from such an appeal review in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework.

AA42 Enter into a short term permit, lease or licence on behalf of Council, with Council as permit holder, lessee or licensee, of land required for operational purposes.

AA43 Authority to access, use and disclose information (including personal information) in a related party disclosure or contained in a register of related party transactions for the following purposes: (a) to assess and verify a notified related party transaction; (b) to reconcile identified related party transactions against those notified in a related party disclosure or contained in a register of related party transactions; (c) to comply with the disclosure requirements of AASB 124; (d) to verify compliance with the disclosure requirements of AASB 124.

AA44 Authorise New South Wales and Federal Government grant acquittal progress reports other than the final report.

AA55 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED BY THE PUBLIC OFFICER Act as a Disclosure Officer in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022

F06 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $250,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F07 Act as a signatory to the Council's bank account.

F08 Authorise the investment of Council's money that is not, for the time being, required by the Council for another purpose pursuant to section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), in accordance with Council's Investment Policy and in a form of investment notified by order of the Minister published in the NSW Government Gazette.

F09 Conduct business with Council's contracted Austraclear participant proxy and investment reporting services provider, within the signatory levels outlined in the Council's current Authorised Signatory List and Mandate.

F10 Sign declarations on behalf of the Council for Fringe Benefits Tax, GST, Business Activity Statements and Payroll Tax.

F11 Determine and declare the categorisation of rateable land within the Council's area, pursuant to section 514 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

F12 Determine an application to change the category of rateable land, pursuant to section 525 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

F13 Make an appropriate adjustment of rates paid or payable following a change in the category of rateable land, pursuant to section 527 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

F14 Write off or reduce interest accrued on rates or charges where a person complies with an agreement for the payment of rates or charges, pursuant to section 564 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW). Note: Wollongong City Council has fixed the amount of $10,000 as the amount above which debts, rates and charges owed to the Council may be written off only by resolution of the Council, pursuant to sections 131(1) and 213(2) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.

F15 Write off accrued interest on rates and charges pursuant to section 567 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW). Note: Wollongong City Council has fixed the amount of $10,000 as the amount above which debts, rates and charges owed to the Council may be written off only by resolution of the Council, pursuant to sections 131(1) and 213(2) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.

F16 Make an order pursuant to section 577 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) directing that a person is an eligible pensioner and grant concessions from rates and charges to that person so as to avoid hardship.

F17 Waive or reduce rates, charges or interest due by a person who is an eligible pensioner or in receipt of a pension, benefit or allowance, pursuant to sections 575 and 582 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW). Note: Wollongong City Council has fixed the amount of $10,000 as the amount above which debts, rates and charges owed to the Council may be written off only by resolution of the Council, pursuant to sections 131(1) and 213(2) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.

F18 Determine an application to waive, reduce or defer payment of the whole or part of a rate increase attributable to a valuation increase on grounds of substantial hardship pursuant to section 601 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW). Note: Wollongong City Council has fixed the amount of $10,000 as the amount above which debts, rates and charges owed to the Council may be written off only by resolution of the Council, pursuant to sections 131(1) and 213(2) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.

F19 Invite and accept quotations, with the acceptance of quotations being subject to approval from a relevant delegated authority, for a proposed contract on behalf of the Council in accordance with the requirements of Council's Procurement Framework.

F20 Make an application on behalf of the Council for the valuation of land within the Council’s local government area, pursuant to section 14A of the Valuation of Land Act 1916 (NSW).

F21 Make an objection to a valuation of the Valuer General on behalf of the Council, pursuant to section 31 of the Valuation of Land Act 1916 (NSW).

F35 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $20,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

F42 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS Authorise the disposal of assets of value less than $150,000 (including GST), other than land, and, in any case, not by donation in accordance with Council's Disposal of Assets and Impounded Items Procedures, and sign documents arising therefrom.

F43 Waive or reduce legal costs charged by the Council in relation to the recovery of rates, charges and other debts owed to the Council following consideration of a recommendation made by the Debt Recovery Committee.

F45 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authorise the issuing of a letter of acceptance in relation to a proposed contract if a previous decision/approval has been provided to enter or award the contract

HR01 Authorise timesheets for employees within the area of control of the position.

HR02 Issue a first warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 1 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR03 Issue a written warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 2 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR04 Issue a final warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 3 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR05 Initiate suspension with a view to termination or dismissal with due notice, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 4 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR06 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Initiate summary dismissal, in accordance with the Summary Dismissal procedure set out in the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR07 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Appoint staff in accordance with the Council's organisation structure and resources approved by the Council.

HR08 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Determine an application for secondary employment submitted by a temporary, casual or part-time staff member.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M03 Direct officers of Council within the position-holder’s area of responsibility.

M04 Exercise Council's functions in relation to the determination of Informal Access Applications made to Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

M05 Exercise Council's functions in relation to the determination of Formal Access Applications made to Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

M07 Commence, carry on or discontinue legal proceedings in any Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction on behalf of the Council (including the filing of Court Attendance Notices).

M08 Nominate and instruct legal service providers to act for, or advise, the Council in respect of any matter, including proceedings for and against the Council and the giving of instructions to the Council’s legal service provider during the course of proceedings.

M09 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS Determine, pursuant to section 166 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, the method of tendering to be used where Council is required to invite tenders in accordance with section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993.

M11 Represent the Council and act on its behalf in any bankruptcy or winding up proceedings, pursuant to section 688 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

RE02 Give an owner or occupier of premises written notice of the Council’s intention to enter premises pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), Swimming Pools Act 1992 (NSW) and any other legislation by which an authorised officer, Council Investigation Officer, or person authorised by Council has the power to enter premises.

RE10 Give a direction on behalf of the Council under Part 7 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE14 Exercise the Council’s functions under Part 9 Division 9.3 (Development Control Orders) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), including (but not limited to) the giving of an Order pursuant to section 9.34 of that Act.

RE15 Exercise the Council's functions under Part 2 of Chapter 7 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) including (but not limited to) the giving of an Order pursuant to Section 124 of that Act.

Name: Director Infrastructure + Works Delegations:

AA01 Act as a Council Investigation Officer within the meaning of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

AA02 Authority to enter any premises pursuant to section 9.16 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

AA03 Act as an authorised person within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA04 Authority to enter any premises pursuant to section 191 and 191A of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA05 Authority to commence proceedings for an offence pursuant to section 684 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA06 Authority to represent Council as though they are the party concerned in Local Court proceedings and institute and carry on any Local Court proceedings which Council is authorised to institute and carry on pursuant to section 687(a) and (b) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA15 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

AA16 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Rural Fires Act 1997 (NSW) and issue penalty notices pursuant to clause 48 of the Rural Fires Regulation 2013 (NSW).

AA20 Authorise correspondence of a non-standard nature, such as interpretation of Council policy and responses to public complaints, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA21 Authorise correspondence of a standard nature, such as replies to routine enquiries from the public, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA27 Authorise a request to a livestock, health and pest authority constituted under the Local Land Services Act 2013 to carry out any activity the authority considers necessary to control any animal causing a nuisance on land owned or occupied by Council.

AA30 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO PUBLIC OFFICER AND DIRECTORS Execute on behalf of Council (but not under the Common Seal of Council) all documents which are capable of being lawfully executed by Council.

AA36 Authority to exercise functions delegated to the Roads Manager (Council) under section 661(1)(b) of the Heavy Vehicle National Law.

AA39 Authorise the issue of a written warning to any person considered to be responsible for unreasonable conduct in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework.

AA40 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authorise the issue to any person of a decision to restrict access to Council’s staff and/or facilities in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework. This includes making a determination on periodic reviews of existing restriction decisions.

AA41 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS AND THE PUBLIC OFFICER Make a determination on an appeal by a customer of a decision to restrict access to Council’s staff and/or facilities and issue a determination arising from such an appeal review in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework.

AA42 Enter into a short term permit, lease or licence on behalf of Council, with Council as permit holder, lessee or licensee, of land required for operational purposes.

AA51 Execute on behalf of Council all documents relating to agreements to enter land and undertake public works.

AA54 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authority to enter into a deed of agreement or funding agreement to accept grant funding on behalf of Council

AA55 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED BY THE PUBLIC OFFICER Act as a Disclosure Officer in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022

CP16 Issue a certificate stating the classification of public land pursuant to section 54 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

CP30 Determine an application for, or revoke a permit allowing an occupier of land, being the occupier of land through which a public road passes, to erect a gate across that public road at any place where the public road intersects a boundary fence, pursuant to sections 128 and 130 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP31 In relation to an occupier of land, being the occupier of land adjoining an unfenced public road across which a public gate is situated at the point where the road intersects the boundary fence: a) determine an application for, or revoke, a permit allowing that occupier of land to erect a by-pass for vehicles at the intersection of the road with the boundary fence, or b) require that occupier of land to construct a by-pass for vehicles at the intersection of the road with the boundary fence, pursuant to sections 133 and 136 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP32 Determine an application for, revoke, transfer or extend the term of a street vending consent pursuant to Division 3 of Part 9 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP33 Determine an application to hold a road event on a public road, pursuant to section 144 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP42 Exercise the Council’s functions under the Community Land Management Act 1989 (NSW).

CP59 Negotiate draft terms of a proposed planning agreement, or the proposed amendment or revocation of a planning agreement, pursuant to Part 7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) and relevant Council policies, for endorsement by the Council.

F06 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $250,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F19 Invite and accept quotations, with the acceptance of quotations being subject to approval from a relevant delegated authority, for a proposed contract on behalf of the Council in accordance with the requirements of Council's Procurement Framework.

F22 Authorise budget variations between projects within an approved Capital Works Program Budget and sign documents arising therefrom.

F36 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $50,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

F42 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS Authorise the disposal of assets of value less than $150,000 (including GST), other than land, and, in any case, not by donation in accordance with Council's Disposal of Assets and Impounded Items Procedures, and sign documents arising therefrom.

F45 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authorise the issuing of a letter of acceptance in relation to a proposed contract if a previous decision/approval has been provided to enter or award the contract

HR01 Authorise timesheets for employees within the area of control of the position.

HR02 Issue a first warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 1 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR03 Issue a written warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 2 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR04 Issue a final warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 3 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR05 Initiate suspension with a view to termination or dismissal with due notice, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 4 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR06 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Initiate summary dismissal, in accordance with the Summary Dismissal procedure set out in the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR07 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Appoint staff in accordance with the Council's organisation structure and resources approved by the Council.

HR08 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Determine an application for secondary employment submitted by a temporary, casual or part-time staff member.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M03 Direct officers of Council within the position-holder’s area of responsibility.

M04 Exercise Council's functions in relation to the determination of Informal Access Applications made to Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

M07 Commence, carry on or discontinue legal proceedings in any Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction on behalf of the Council (including the filing of Court Attendance Notices).

M08 Nominate and instruct legal service providers to act for, or advise, the Council in respect of any matter, including proceedings for and against the Council and the giving of instructions to the Council’s legal service provider during the course of proceedings.

M09 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS Determine, pursuant to section 166 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, the method of tendering to be used where Council is required to invite tenders in accordance with section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993.

M10 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED AFTER WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE PUBLIC OFFICER/PRIVACY OFFICER. Exercise Council's functions in relation to the determination of Access Applications made to Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 by the NSW Police Force for information recorded by Council's CCTV systems.

M12 Represent and act on behalf of Council at meetings of Floodplain Management Association.

M13 Represent and act on behalf of Council at meetings of South East Australia Transport Strategy.

RE02 Give an owner or occupier of premises written notice of the Council’s intention to enter premises pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), Swimming Pools Act 1992 (NSW) and any other legislation by which an authorised officer, Council Investigation Officer, or person authorised by Council has the power to enter premises.

RE07 Exercise Council’s functions under the Rural Fires Act 1997 (NSW), including the issue of a notice under section 66 requiring a land owner or occupier to carry out bush fire reduction work.

RE10 Give a direction on behalf of the Council under Part 7 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE11 Serve, or revoke, an Order prohibiting a person from causing any vehicle under the person’s control to pass along a specified local road, pursuant to section 122 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE12 Direct a landowner affected by a road widening order to carry out work as is necessary to restore the land, pursuant to section 26 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE13 Direct the owner of a private road (other than a classified road) to carry out such work as is necessary to prevent the road from becoming unsafe or unsightly, pursuant to section 86(1) of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE14 Exercise the Council’s functions under Part 9 Division 9.3 (Development Control Orders) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), including (but not limited to) the giving of an Order pursuant to section 9.34 of that Act.

RE15 Exercise the Council's functions under Part 2 of Chapter 7 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) including (but not limited to) the giving of an Order pursuant to Section 124 of that Act.

RE16 Issue a notice requiring payment of any reasonable costs incurred by the Council in carrying out the requirements of a preliminary investigation order, management order or ongoing maintenance order, including entering into an arrangement for payment of those costs, pursuant to section 35 of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 (NSW).

RE17 Determine an application for consent to: (a) erect a structure, or carry out a work, in, on or over a public road, (b) dig up or disturb the surface of a public road; (c) remove, or interfere with, a structure, work or tree on a public road, (d) pump water into a public road from any land adjoining a public road, or (e) connect a road (whether public or private) to a classified road; subject to obtaining the concurrence of the NSW RMS in respect of applications relating to a classified road, pursuant to sections 138 and 139 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE21 Power under the Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901 to exercise the right as owner to grant consent to persons to enter upon the Wollongong Waste & Resource Recovery Park or to request persons to leave those lands.

W01 Approve names and numbering for all roads for which the Council is the roads authority, pursuant to section 162 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

W02 Make application on behalf of the Council for the closure of a public road, pursuant to section 34 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

W03 Cause a temporary public road to be closed on behalf of the Council by publishing a notice in the NSW Government Gazette, pursuant to section 39 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

W04 Consent to the transfer of a public road by the Minister from or to the Council, pursuant to section 150 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

W05 Determine the contribution which an owner of land adjoining a public road must make toward the cost incurred by the Council in constructing, or paving, any kerb, gutter or footway, adjacent to that owner's land, pursuant to section 217 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

W06 Regulate traffic on a public road by means of barriers or notices for any of the purposes set out in section 115(2) of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW) in so far as they apply to the Council as a roads authority.

W07 Act as the Chairperson of the Illawarra Local Emergency Management Committee, pursuant to section 28 of the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 (NSW), and represent the Council at the Regional Emergency Management Committee.

W08 Exercise the functions set out in Schedule 3, subject to the limitations set out in Schedule 4, to the Instrument of Delegations by the Roads and Traffic Authority (for Regulation of Traffic) dated 23 February 2009

Name: Director Planning + Environment Delegations:

AA01 Act as a Council Investigation Officer within the meaning of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

AA02 Authority to enter any premises pursuant to section 9.16 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

AA03 Act as an authorised person within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA04 Authority to enter any premises pursuant to section 191 and 191A of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA05 Authority to commence proceedings for an offence pursuant to section 684 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA06 Authority to represent Council as though they are the party concerned in Local Court proceedings and institute and carry on any Local Court proceedings which Council is authorised to institute and carry on pursuant to section 687(a) and (b) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

AA08 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Companion Animals Act 1998 (NSW).

AA09 Act as an authorised officer and enforcement officer within the meaning of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW).

AA10 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Food Act 2003 (NSW).

AA12 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021.

AA14 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW).

AA15 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

AA16 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Rural Fires Act 1997 (NSW) and issue penalty notices pursuant to clause 48 of the Rural Fires Regulation 2013 (NSW).

AA17 Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (NSW).

AA20 Authorise correspondence of a non-standard nature, such as interpretation of Council policy and responses to public complaints, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA21 Authorise correspondence of a standard nature, such as replies to routine enquiries from the public, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA27 Authorise a request to a livestock, health and pest authority constituted under the Local Land Services Act 2013 to carry out any activity the authority considers necessary to control any animal causing a nuisance on land owned or occupied by Council.

AA30 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO PUBLIC OFFICER AND DIRECTORS Execute on behalf of Council (but not under the Common Seal of Council) all documents which are capable of being lawfully executed by Council.

AA31 Execute on behalf of Council, in its capacity as land owner or trustee, but not under the Common Seal of Council, any permit to enter, development application, construction certificate application and application under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) in relation to either Council owned land or Crown Land under Council trusteeship.

AA39 Authorise the issue of a written warning to any person considered to be responsible for unreasonable conduct in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework.

AA40 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authorise the issue to any person of a decision to restrict access to Council’s staff and/or facilities in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework. This includes making a determination on periodic reviews of existing restriction decisions.

AA41 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS AND THE PUBLIC OFFICER Make a determination on an appeal by a customer of a decision to restrict access to Council’s staff and/or facilities and issue a determination arising from such an appeal review in accordance with the Unreasonable Conduct of Customers Framework.

AA42 Enter into a short term permit, lease or licence on behalf of Council, with Council as permit holder, lessee or licensee, of land required for operational purposes.

AA50 Authorise on behalf of the Enforcement Agency the issuing of a Prohibition Order under section 60 of the Food Act 2003.

AA54 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authority to enter into a deed of agreement or funding agreement to accept grant funding on behalf of Council

AA55 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED BY THE PUBLIC OFFICER Act as a Disclosure Officer in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022

CP01 Make application, or instruct the Council’s lawyers, to make an application to the Local Court or the Land & Environment Court for an order directing that a provider of water, electricity or gas to a brothel cease to provide those services, pursuant to clause 35(3) of Schedule 5 (Development Control Orders) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP02 Make application, or instruct Council’s lawyers to make application to the Land & Environment Court for a brothel closure order pursuant to section 17 of the Restricted Premises Act 1943 (NSW)

CP03 Exercise the Council's functions under the Liquor Act 2007 (NSW).

CP05 Determine whether an objection made under State Environmental Planning Policy No.1, or any other development standard, is well founded and consistent with the aims of that Policy, subject to written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager being obtained.

CP06 Determine an application for a review of a determination of a development application made under delegated authority, pursuant to section 8.4 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) subject to obtaining the: - written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager or any other senior development project officer, or - written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager in respect of refusal determinations.

CP08 Determine an application to increase the lapsing period for a development consent, pursuant to section 4.54 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP09 Determine an application to modify a development consent pursuant to section 4.55 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) subject to obtaining the: - written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager or another senior development project officer, or - written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager in respect of refusal determinations.

CP10 Determine an application to modify a development consent granted by the Land & Environment Court pursuant to section 4.56 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) subject to obtaining the: - written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager or another senior development project officer, or - written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager in respect of refusal determinations.

CP11 Determine an application for a complying development certificate pursuant to section 4.28(6) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) subject to obtaining the: - written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager or another senior development project officer, or - written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager in respect of refusal determinations.

CP12 Determine an application for a construction certificate, subdivision works certificate, compliance certificate, occupation certificate or subdivision certificate, in accordance with Part 6 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) subject to obtaining the written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or relevant area manager in respect of refusal determinations.

CP13 Determine an application for the issue of a strata certificate within the meaning of the Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973 (NSW) and Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Act 1986 (NSW).

CP14 Issue a planning certificate pursuant to section 88G of the Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW) or section 10.7 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP15 Determine an application for a building information certificate pursuant to sections 6.24, 6.25 and 6.26 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP16 Issue a certificate stating the classification of public land pursuant to section 54 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

CP17 Exercise the Council's functions under the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (NSW), subject to, in respect of applications for exemption to barrier requirements pursuant to section 22 of that Act, obtaining the written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification, relevant area manager or another Senior Development Project Officer.

CP19 Accept payment of security, by way of either a deposit or bank guarantee, by an applicant pursuant to a condition of development consent imposed pursuant to section 4.17(6) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP20 Authorise the drawing of any monies paid as security, by way of either a deposit or bank guarantee, by an applicant pursuant to a condition of development consent imposed pursuant to section 4.17(6) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP22 Exercise the Council’s functions under the Heritage Act 1977 (NSW), including the making of an interim heritage order where the Minister has authorised the Council to make such an order, and the revocation of that order.

CP23 Determine an application to carry out an activity specified in section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) pursuant to that Act.

CP24 Review a determination made in respect of an application to carry out an activity specified in section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), pursuant to section 100 of that Act, subject to the original determination having been made under delegated authority.

CP25 Determine an application to amend, extend or renew an approval to carry out an activity specified in section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), pursuant to sections 106 and 107 of that Act.

CP26 Revoke, or modify, an approval to carry out an activity specified in Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), pursuant to sections 108 and 109 of that Act.

CP27 Determine an application for a filming proposal, pursuant to section 115 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

CP28 Determine an application for a footway dining approval pursuant to section 125 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP29 Authorise the holder of a footway dining approval to erect and maintain structures in, or over any part, of the footway pursuant to section 126 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP30 Determine an application for, or revoke a permit allowing an occupier of land, being the occupier of land through which a public road passes, to erect a gate across that public road at any place where the public road intersects a boundary fence, pursuant to sections 128 and 130 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP31 In relation to an occupier of land, being the occupier of land adjoining an unfenced public road across which a public gate is situated at the point where the road intersects the boundary fence: a) determine an application for, or revoke, a permit allowing that occupier of land to erect a by-pass for vehicles at the intersection of the road with the boundary fence, or b) require that occupier of land to construct a by-pass for vehicles at the intersection of the road with the boundary fence, pursuant to sections 133 and 136 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP32 Determine an application for, revoke, transfer or extend the term of a street vending consent pursuant to Division 3 of Part 9 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP33 Determine an application to hold a road event on a public road, pursuant to section 144 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

CP34 Issue a certificate as to outstanding orders or notices pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) including Schedule 5 or section 735A of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

CP35 Reach agreement, on behalf of the Council, during a conciliation conference with the Applicant in an appeal, pursuant to section 34(3) of the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 (NSW).

CP36 Give consent, on behalf of the Council, to a Commissioner disposing of an appeal during a conciliation conference, pursuant to section 34(4)(b) of the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 (NSW).

CP37 Reject a development application pursuant to clause 39 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021.

CP38 Authorise a refund in respect of fees paid by an applicant in respect of a development application, construction certificate, subdivision works certificate or section 4.55 modification in accordance with the Environment Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021.

CP39 Authorise the refund of fees paid in respect of an application to carry out an activity specified in section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) where that application has been withdrawn, in accordance with Council policy and section 88 of that Act.

CP40 Reject unclear or illegible applications to carry out an activity specified in section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), pursuant to section 85 of that Act.

CP41 Exercise the Council’s functions under the Community Land Development Act 1989 (NSW) including issuing certificates for community title and precinct subdivision, approval of community management schemes and approval of neighbourhood management schemes.

CP42 Exercise the Council’s functions under the Community Land Management Act 1989 (NSW).

CP45 Determine an application for development consent under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), pursuant to section 4.16 of that Act subject to, in respect of position numbers 16045, 16046 and 16047 where the holder of those positions was the principal assessing officer of the application, obtaining the written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or another Middle Manager in the Development Assessment and Certification Division prior to such determination.

CP46 Determine an application under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) that has been considered by the Wollongong Local Planning Panel, but only where the holder of this delegation forms the view that the proposed determination is consistent with the IHAP recommendations.

CP47 Determine whether an objection made under State Environmental Planning Policy No.1, clause 4.6 of the Wollongong and West Dapto Local Environmental Plans, or any other development standard, is well founded and consistent with the aims of that Policy subject to, in respect of position numbers 16045, 16046 and 16047 where the holder of those positions was the principal assessing officer of the application, obtaining the written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or another Middle Manager in the Development Assessment and Certification Division prior to such determination.

CP48 Determine an application for a review of a determination of a development application made under delegated authority, pursuant to section 8.4 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) .

CP50 Determine an application to modify a development consent pursuant to section 4.55 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) except where the person exercising this sub-delegation was the principal assessing officer of the original application in which case the written concurrence of the Manager Development Assessment and Certification or another Middle Manager in the Development Assessment and Certification Division is required prior to such determination.

CP51 Determine an application to modify a development consent granted by the Land & Environment Court pursuant to section 4.56 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP53 Determine an application for a construction certificate, subdivision works certificate, compliance certificate, occupation certificate or subdivision certificate, pursuant to Part 6 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP54 Write off outstanding amounts of contributions or levies imposed on a development consent as a condition of consent, but only where written concurrence from the officer’s supervisor has first been obtained.

CP55 Exercise the Council's functions under the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (NSW), including determining an application for a barrier exemption, pursuant to section 22 of that Act.

CP56 Determine whether or not a development application is required for development of a heritage item or development within a Heritage Conservation Area, pursuant to clause 5.10(3) of Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009 (NSW) or any other applicable Environmental Planning Instrument.

CP57 Determine applications for the refund of, or amendment to, contributions or levies imposed on a development consent as a condition of consent, pursuant to Part 7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP58 Authorise a refund of fees paid in respect of an application made for a certificate under section 88G of the Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW) or section 10.7 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).

CP59 Negotiate draft terms of a proposed planning agreement, or the proposed amendment or revocation of a planning agreement, pursuant to Part 7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) and relevant Council policies, for endorsement by the Council.

F06 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $250,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F19 Invite and accept quotations, with the acceptance of quotations being subject to approval from a relevant delegated authority, for a proposed contract on behalf of the Council in accordance with the requirements of Council's Procurement Framework.

F35 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $20,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

F42 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS Authorise the disposal of assets of value less than $150,000 (including GST), other than land, and, in any case, not by donation in accordance with Council's Disposal of Assets and Impounded Items Procedures, and sign documents arising therefrom.

F45 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Authorise the issuing of a letter of acceptance in relation to a proposed contract if a previous decision/approval has been provided to enter or award the contract

HR01 Authorise timesheets for employees within the area of control of the position.

HR02 Issue a first warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 1 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR03 Issue a written warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 2 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR04 Issue a final warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 3 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR05 Initiate suspension with a view to termination or dismissal with due notice, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 4 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR06 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Initiate summary dismissal, in accordance with the Summary Dismissal procedure set out in the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR07 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Appoint staff in accordance with the Council's organisation structure and resources approved by the Council.

HR08 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO SENIOR MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS Determine an application for secondary employment submitted by a temporary, casual or part-time staff member.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M03 Direct officers of Council within the position-holder’s area of responsibility.

M04 Exercise Council's functions in relation to the determination of Informal Access Applications made to Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

M07 Commence, carry on or discontinue legal proceedings in any Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction on behalf of the Council (including the filing of Court Attendance Notices).

M08 Nominate and instruct legal service providers to act for, or advise, the Council in respect of any matter, including proceedings for and against the Council and the giving of instructions to the Council’s legal service provider during the course of proceedings.

M09 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED TO DIRECTORS Determine, pursuant to section 166 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, the method of tendering to be used where Council is required to invite tenders in accordance with section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993.

RE01 Issue a direction pursuant to section 23 of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (NSW).

RE02 Give an owner or occupier of premises written notice of the Council’s intention to enter premises pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), Swimming Pools Act 1992 (NSW) and any other legislation by which an authorised officer, Council Investigation Officer, or person authorised by Council has the power to enter premises.

RE03 Exercise the Council’s functions under the Companion Animals Act 1998 (NSW).

RE04 Exercise the Council’s functions under the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021.

RE06 Exercise the following functions of the Council under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW): (a) give a clean-up notice, either in writing or orally; (b) give a prevention notice; (c) give a compliance cost notice; (d) revoke a smoke abatement notice given by an authorised officer; (e) give a notice requiring the production of information and records; and (f) give, revoke or vary a noise control notice.

RE07 Exercise Council’s functions under the Rural Fires Act 1997 (NSW), including the issue of a notice under section 66 requiring a land owner or occupier to carry out bush fire reduction work.

RE10 Give a direction on behalf of the Council under Part 7 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE11 Serve, or revoke, an Order prohibiting a person from causing any vehicle under the person’s control to pass along a specified local road, pursuant to section 122 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE12 Direct a landowner affected by a road widening order to carry out work as is necessary to restore the land, pursuant to section 26 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE13 Direct the owner of a private road (other than a classified road) to carry out such work as is necessary to prevent the road from becoming unsafe or unsightly, pursuant to section 86(1) of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE14 Exercise the Council’s functions under Part 9 Division 9.3 (Development Control Orders) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), including (but not limited to) the giving of an Order pursuant to section 9.34 of that Act.

RE15 Exercise the Council's functions under Part 2 of Chapter 7 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) including (but not limited to) the giving of an Order pursuant to Section 124 of that Act.

RE16 Issue a notice requiring payment of any reasonable costs incurred by the Council in carrying out the requirements of a preliminary investigation order, management order or ongoing maintenance order, including entering into an arrangement for payment of those costs, pursuant to section 35 of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 (NSW).

RE17 Determine an application for consent to: (a) erect a structure, or carry out a work, in, on or over a public road, (b) dig up or disturb the surface of a public road; (c) remove, or interfere with, a structure, work or tree on a public road, (d) pump water into a public road from any land adjoining a public road, or (e) connect a road (whether public or private) to a classified road; subject to obtaining the concurrence of the NSW RMS in respect of applications relating to a classified road, pursuant to sections 138 and 139 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE18 Authorise an adjustment or refund of fees to an owner in relation to a payment made under the Companion Animals Act 1998.

RE19 Authorise a refund of fees paid by an applicant in respect of an application made under section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

RE20 Authorise a reduction or waiver of any fee or charge payable under the Companion Animals Act 1998 in accordance with Council's 'Companion Animals Pound Hardship' policy.

Name: Economic Development Manager Delegations:

AA20 Authorise correspondence of a non-standard nature, such as interpretation of Council policy and responses to public complaints, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA21 Authorise correspondence of a standard nature, such as replies to routine enquiries from the public, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

F02 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $10,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F32 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $5,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

HR01 Authorise timesheets for employees within the area of control of the position.

HR02 Issue a first warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 1 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

HR03 Issue a written warning, in accordance with the procedure set out in Step 2 of the Disciplinary Procedure in Council's Enterprise Agreement.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M03 Direct officers of Council within the position-holder’s area of responsibility.

Name: Executive Assistant to the General Manager Delegations:

F01 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $1,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F35 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $20,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

Name: General Manager Delegations:
Name: Personal Assistant to Director Community Services Delegations:

F01 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $1,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F35 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $20,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

Name: Personal Assistant to Director Infrastructure + Works Delegations:

F01 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $1,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F35 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $20,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

Name: Personal Assistant to Director Planning + Environment Delegations:

F01 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $1,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F35 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $20,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

Name: Professional Conduct Coordinator Delegations:

AA20 Authorise correspondence of a non-standard nature, such as interpretation of Council policy and responses to public complaints, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA21 Authorise correspondence of a standard nature, such as replies to routine enquiries from the public, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position and 'Correspondence and Authorising Document Guideline', with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies.

AA55 NOTE - ONLY TO BE GRANTED BY THE PUBLIC OFFICER Act as a Disclosure Officer in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022

F02 Authorise expenditure for works, services, facilities and goods for Council, including the issuing of a Letter of Award for a Contract, pursuant to section 211 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 of not more than $10,000 (including GST) within approved budget limits and sign documents arising therefrom.

F30 Procure goods or services for the Council by means of a Council Purchase Card subject to a monthly limit of $2,000 (including GST) and compliance with Council's Purchase Card Policy and Procurement Policy.

M01 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M02 Exercise the functions of the Council position to which the position-holder is temporarily appointed in accordance with the job description for that position, Council's Enterprise Agreement and management direction.

M03 Direct officers of Council within the position-holder’s area of responsibility.