If you’re an individual or not-for-profit group running an event that’s open to the community, you might be eligible for our Sponsorship of Community Events program.
Each year, we support events like community celebrations, cultural gatherings and state or national sporting events.
This program aims to encourage a wider range of events in our city, particularly those that bring social and economic benefits to the local area.
Applications for this program are open until 31 March 2025.
This program is open to not-for-profit groups, organisations or individuals who are organising an event in the Wollongong City Council area that can be shown to benefit the community.
Events must be held within the 2025 - 2026 financial year.
Events are classified into three groups for this program:
- Citywide events, which attract attendees from across the Wollongong area
- Local community events with a focus on attendance from a suburban area
- Sporting events of state or national significance.
Council may consider an event under a different category than what's listed on your application if we believe another category is more appropriate.
You must apply for this program using our online form, which will be available on this page when applications are open.
You will need to provide detailed information about your event including:
- A description of your event, target audiences, location, etc.
- A budget showing all expenses and sources of income. This should also include information about any other sponsors of the event.
- A copy of your group or organisation's Constitution or Articles of Association if available.
- A copy of your public liability insurance for at least $20 million. If your event will be held on Council land, Council must be noted on the policy as an interested party.
If your application is successful, you'll need to sign a funding agreement with Council.
Out of round applications
Council may consider applications for sponsorship of community events after the main application round if we still have funds available. If you'd like to ask about making an out of round application, email or call us on (02) 4227 7111.
The following activities are not supported through this program:
- Local events that target a specific sector or group within the community, and are not aimed at the general broader community.
- Fetes.
- Conferences or dinners.
- Award presentations.
- Political events.
- Any event including fundraising events that are only available to paid ticket holders.
- Any event that Council considers to be an actual, possible or perceived conflict of interest. This can include a conflict between Council and the event organiser, or Council and another sponsor/supporter of the event.
- Any event that is considered to have a risk management cost to Council.
- Events organised by anyone who has previously received sponsorship from Council, but did not meet all the requirements of the past sponsorship agreement.
- Events that have already happened.
- Ongoing operational, maintenance or administrative costs.
The following sponsorship amounts are available for events under this program:
- City-wide events up to $15,000 + GST
- Local general community events up to $5,000 + GST
- Sporting events of state or national significance up to $5,000 + GST.
Support may be provided through a payment by cheque or direct deposit for an amount agreed on by Council.
If provided, in-kind support will be given as a dollar value used to cover the cost of services provided directly by Council.
Sponsorship is provided on a one-off basis. For annual or ongoing events, Council may also consider multi-year funding for up to four years.
The successful recipients of the Sponsorship of Community Events for 2024 - 2025 are:
- Combined Churches Carols in the Burgh
- Kite Flying Festival Wollongong 2024
- Port Kembla Festival
- Port Kembla Fearfest 2024
- Honk Oz Street Music Festival
- The Bloody Long Walk
- Thirroul Seaside and Arts Festival
- Figtree Community Carols
- Ocean Queen Classic 2025
- Aquathon
- Transgender and Friends Festival Illawarra “TAFFI”
- Wollongong Walk4BrainCancer
- International Day of Yoga
- Rainbow Run 2024
- Illawarra Relay for Life
- Go Electric
- Illawarra Family History and Heritage Fair
- Helensburgh Lions Country Fair
- Australia Day Regatta
- CareWays Koonawarra Reconciliation
- Reconciliation Walk
- Anzac Day Service and Commemoration
- Corrimal RSL Sub-Branch ANZAC Day Commemorative Dawn Service and March.
We also continue our annual support for:
- Southern Stars
- Life Education
- Salvation Army
- Wollongong Eisteddfod.
Apply online
Use the button below to apply for this program through SmartyGrants by 31 March 2025.
Ask a question about our grants
Use the button below to ask us a question about this program.
- Events and Programs
- People
Art and Culture
- Aboriginal Culture and Communities
- Wollongong Art Gallery
- Illawarra Performing Arts Centre
- Public Art
- Creative Wollongong Studios
- The Arts Precinct
- Culture Mix
- Sculpture in the Garden Wollongong
- Creative Dialogues
- Short Film Competition & Festival
- Recent Projects
- Opportunities for Artists and Performers
- Sister Cities
- History and Heritage
- Language Help
- Safety Programs
- Volunteering
- Community Transport
- Neighbourhood Groups
- Grant Programs
- Affordable Housing
- Awards and Recognition