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City of Wollongong


"At some stage in your life you may have an invisible disability"

I spent a large part of my working life making education accessible for people with disability. Prior to being medically retired I worked in disability services and found most people who used the services had a disability that wasn’t obvious.

I myself have Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. When I was first diagnosed, I was told I had one year to survive. In 2014 I was linked up with a new treatment which slowed down the disease. Unless I have my respirator, you wouldn’t know I have a disability. Walking distances affects me badly and struggling for breath is terrifying.

I’ve been berated for parking in an accessible parking spot, it was distressing. I wouldn’t take up a spot unless I needed to. Without my oxygen machine
people are not respectful. But either way people need to be considerate.

Technology has helped make inclusiveness possible, but it’s people’s attitudes and physical barriers that are the biggest obstacle.

I love life. I enjoy model trains, my guitar and family time.