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City of Wollongong

Council Endorsement of Land Restrictions

You need to get Council’s endorsement before you can apply to NSW Land Registry Services to add or remove restrictions on land for a subdivision.

Land restrictions are managed through the 88b instrument or the lot title. This is part of the information about your property held by the NSW Land Registry Services.

One of the most common reasons for changing land restrictions is to create easements for water, power or other services.

Restrictions that you may need to change could be on your own land, public land, or adjoining private land.

The steps to change land restrictions are:

  1. Apply to Council for endorsement of your proposed changes using our Document Endorsement form PDF, 75.92 KB. If your application is to remove a restriction, you will need to include a report and supporting evidence with your application to explain why the restriction is no longer relevant.
  2. Pay the relevant application fee, as shown below.
  3. Council will assess your application. In some cases your application may need to be reported to a Council meeting for approval.
  4. After Council endorses your proposed change, you will need to apply to NSW Land Registry Services to approve and finalise the changes.

If you have questions about Council endorsement of land restrictions, call us on (02) 4227 7111.


Fees for Council Endorsement of Land Restriction applications are shown below, or see our full list of Fees and Charges.

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
Parent HierachyArea Fee NameFee Name GSTGST Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST)
Parent HierachyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Fees - Torrens/community/strata | Endorsement Of Documents To Create, Release, Vary Or Modify Easements, Restrictions Or Covenants Fee NameBy Authorised Person GSTN Current Fee$228.00
Parent HierachyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Fees - Torrens/community/strata | Endorsement Of Documents To Create, Release, Vary Or Modify Easements, Restrictions Or Covenants Fee NameBy Council Seal GSTN Current Fee$870.00
Parent HierachyDevelopment Assessment | Subdivision Fees - Torrens/community/strata | Endorsement Of Documents To Create, Release, Vary Or Modify Easements, Restrictions Or Covenants Fee NameStrata Title Certificate GSTN Current Fee$228.00