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City of Wollongong

Report an issue

Pick a topic below to report an issue to Council.

If you can't find what you're looking for, please use the enquiry form below to contact Council.

Urgent issues

For urgent Council-related safety issues, call (02) 4227 7111.
This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you're calling out of business hours, please choose option 1 to be put through to our after-hours service.

Track a request

Use the button below and enter a tracking number to see the status of a request.

Common issues not managed by Council

Below are details of where you can report some common issues that we don't handle.

Endeavour Energy looks after street lights in our city. You can report problems to them:

Report problems with water mains and sewers through Sydney Water's website or on 13 20 90.

Sydney Water also provides sewer diagrams and prints.

Transport for NSW looks after state and main roads like the M1 Princes Motorway, Bulli Pass and Lawrence Hargrave Drive.

If you want to check if a road is managed by Council or Transport for NSW, call us on (02) 4227 7111.

Report damage to Telstra phone pits, pillars, cables or other equipment on Telstra’s website.

Contact SafeWork NSW to report work site safety issues.

If you think an outdoor smoking ban has been broken, report it to NSW Health.

If you find needles or syringes on private land, call the Needle Exchange on (02) 4275 1529.

This service is based at Port Kembla Hospital and operates between 8 am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday. They can quickly arrange collection by a qualified person in most cases during these hours.

If you feel ok about handling the discarded needle or syringe safely, follow these steps:

  • Place the needle in a strong puncture-proof container with a lid. Don't use a glass container as it can break.
  • Carry the container to the needle, place the needle inside the container and ensure the lid is on tightly.
  • Call the Needle Exchange to arrange for pick up or take to a drop off location.

You can also find details of local pharmacies that accept syringes for disposal on The Safe Sharps website.