We look after drains and stormwater pits to keep water moving in rain or floods.
You can report issues with drains or stormwater pits, like:
- Blocked drains or pits
- Drainage sumps that need repair
- Pit covers that are damaged, lifted or removed
- Damaged stormwater drains.
Call us on (02) 4227 7111 or use the button below to report a drain or stormwater pit issue.
Sometimes weeds growing in drains and creeks can actually help to slow down water flow. They can also filter sediments and nutrients to keep waterways and beaches clean.
If weeds are reported in drains or creeks, we will look at this case-by-case. In some situations, we may leave them in place to help this natural cleaning process.
Report problems with water mains and sewers to Sydney Water through their website or on 13 20 90.
We don’t maintain privately owned drains, pits or stormwater pipes.
If you’re having a problem caused by a neighbour’s drains, talk with them to try and resolve the issue. If you need help you can also contact the Community Justice Centre.
In some cases, we can investigate stormwater drainage issues on private property. We will only investigate if surface water is flowing across a common property boundary and all of these conditions are met:
- There is evidence that the surface water has caused, or is likely to cause, physical damage to land or buildings
- The surface water has been directed towards a particular area by a man-made structure or drain, and
- The surface water is the result of defective roof drainage from a dwelling or outbuilding such as a garage.
We won’t investigate private drainage issues caused by any other conditions, such as sloping land, natural run-off or approved development.
If you’re not sure whether your case meets the conditions for us to investigate, call us on (02) 4227 7111 for advice.
Report an Issue
- Animal Issues
- Building and Development Issues
- Drains and Stormwater Pits
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