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City of Wollongong

Rubbish and Recycling Issues

Use the links below to let us know if there’s a problem with your bins, or with rubbish in public spaces.

Wollongong Waste is your go-to for most issues with your red, yellow and green bins.

Visit Wollongong Waste or call 1300 362 360 to report:

Let us know if you find a problem with a public bin, or rubbish in a public space.

Call (02) 4227 7111 or use the button below.

We investigate reports of illegally dumped rubbish in public spaces.

We do not investigate most cases of illegal dumping on private property. However if the dumping involves hazardous materials or is part of a repeated pattern in the area, we may look into it. This is decided case-by-case.

If you find dumped rubbish, don’t touch it or remove anything. This could disturb evidence that might help us work out who was responsible.

If you find dumped hazardous material like asbestos, chemicals, oil or fuel, call us as soon as possible on (02) 4227 7111.

Use the link below to report illegal dumping.

You can report needles or syringes on public land to Council. Use the button below to make a report, or phone (02) 4227 7111.

If you find needles or syringes on private land, call the Needle Exchange on (02) 4275 1529.

This service is based at Port Kembla Hospital and operates between 8 am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday. They can quickly arrange collection by a qualified person in most cases during these hours.

If you feel ok about handling the discarded needle or syringe safely, follow these steps:

  • Place the needle in a strong puncture-proof container with a lid. Don't use a glass container as it can break.
  • Carry the container to the needle, place the needle inside the container and ensure the lid is on tightly.
  • Call the Needle Exchange to arrange for pick up or take to a drop off location.

See these websites to learn more about disposing of needles or syringes:

Report abandoned shopping trolleys through Trolley Tracker.