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City of Wollongong

Certificate of Amount Due - 88G

This application can be used to check if there is any money owing to Council due to a Positive Covenant on a property.

A Positive Covenant is an agreement that the owner will do something to benefit the land - for example to build or maintain a fence or driveway.

How to apply

Before you can apply, you need to log in or register in our Online Services system.

Once you are logged in, select Lodge an Application, then Certificates.


Showing 1 - 1 of 1 items
Parent HierachyArea Fee NameFee Name GSTGST Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST)
Parent HierachyLand Use Planning | Certificate Related Fees | Planning Certificate Fee Names88G Conveyancing Act Certificate GSTN Fee DescriptionRegulated fee of $10, and Council will not inspect the relevant land for the purpose of issuing the certificate