Below are activities that are regularly held at Dapto Ribbonwood Centre.
Please note that details may change without notice. We recommend that you contact the activity organiser to confirm times.
Activity | Description | Contact |
Cancer Patient Art Therapy | Monday 9am - 12pm | (02) 4284 3742 |
Kiama Community College RISE program | Monday 4.30 - 7.30pm. Visit website or call for details. | (02) 4232 1050 |
Alcoholics Anonymous | Monday 6 - 7.30pm | 1300 222 222 |
Family Services Australia | Monday fortnightly 9am - 5pm | 0432 223 605 |
Crohn's and Colitis | First Tuesday of the month. Call for details or email | 1800 138 029 |
MAX Solutions Pty Ltd | Wednesday 9am - 5pm by appointment only | 1800 603 503 |
Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra | Wednesday 9.30am - 1pm. Email or call for details. | (02) 4229 7566 |
Gambling Anonymous | Wednesdays 7pm - 8.30pm. This is a 'closed meeting' for compulsive gamblers only. Please call for more information before attending. | 0407 412 081 |
Miracle Babies Foundation | Wednesday fortnightly 9.30am - 12.30pm. Email or call for details. | Head Office (02) 9724 8999 or Support 1300 622 243 |
Neighbourhood Forum 8 | Second Wednesday of the month. See our Neighbourhood Forum 8 page, or email or call for details. | 0447 333 142 |
Motor Neurone Disease NSW | Third Wednesday of the month 9.30am - 2.30pm | (02) 8877 0919 |
Second Skin | Thursday 8.30am - 5pm every second month. Call to confirm dates. | (02) 9386 0812 |
Illawarra Cancer Carers - Lyphoedema Support Group | Friday fortnightly 9am - 2pm | 0411 659 814 |
Careways Community | Various activities including community breakfast, creative craft, computer courses and legal aid. Call for details | (02) 4262 1918 |
Family Services Australia | Support services that maintain holistic continuity of care and wellbeing for children, young people and families. By appointment only. Visit website or call for details. | 1800 372 000 |
Think Do Now | Counselling and psychology services, by appointment only. Email or call for details. | (02) 4204 1660 |
Wollongong Speech Pathology | By appointment only. Email or call to book. | 0418 476 235 |
Wollongong Wonder Woofs | Email or call for details | 0472 629 160 |
Activity | Description | Contact |
Dapto Senior Citizens | Various activities for seniors including bowls, craft and concerts. Call for details or email | (02) 4274 4182 |
Italian Group Classes for Adults (Elementary) | Tuesday 6pm - 7.30pm Note: you must already know the present tense of verbs and be able to make simple sentences. | Visit the Italian Lessons Wollongong website |
Italian Group Classes for Adults (Beginners) | Tuesday 7.30pm - 9pm (starting from 14 May 2024) | Visit the Italian Lessons Wollongong website |
Dapto Camera Club | First Tuesday of the month 7 - 10pm | 0414 600 161 |
Urrimbirra Bonsai Society | Second Tuesday of the month 7 - 10pm | (02) 4297 5553 |
South Coast Vintage Car Club | Second Tuesday of the month 7.30 - 10.30pm | 0408 683 180 |
Country Women's Association | Third Tuesday of the month 1 - 2.30pm | 0408 770 131 |
Illawarra Parrot Club | Last Tuesday of the month. Call for times. | 0437 613 457 |
Macedonian Welfare | Wednesday 9am - 2pm | (02) 4275 2266 |
Illawarra Vintage Car Club | Third Wednesday of the month 7.30pm - 10pm | (02) 4272 4120 |
Italian Group Classes for Adults (Beginners) | Thursday, 9am - 10.30am | Visit the Italian Lessons Wollongong website |
Italian Group Classes for Adults (Elementary) | Thursday 10.30am - 12pm Note: you must already know the present tense of verbs and be able to make simple sentences. | Visit the Italian Lessons Wollongong website |
Southern Lights Vocal Academy | Thursday 6.30 - 7.30pm. Visit website or call for details. | (02) 4260 8103 |
Wollongong Harmony Chorus | Thursday 7.30 - 10.30pm | (02) 4260 9005 |
Wollongong Embroiderer's Guild | Friday 10am - 3pm. Email or call for details. | Yvonne 0421 756 521 or Liz 0402 245 197 |
William Beach Day Club | Friday 8.30am - 2pm | (02) 4261 7385 |
Illawarra Plastic Modellers Assoc | First Saturday of the month 12.30 - 3.30pm | 0419 148 335 |
Crafty Ladies | Second Saturday of the month | (02) 4261 7438 |
Wollongong Doll Club | Second Saturday of the month | (02) 4229 7010 |
Activity | Description | Contact |
Australian Academy of Tai Chi |
Monday 9.30 - 11am Tuesday 6 - 7.30pm | 0422 932 818 |
Dapto Physical Culture Club | Monday and Wednesday. Call for details | 0410 096 375 |
Wollongong Shotokan Karate | Monday and Wednesday 6 - 7.30pm | Email |
Weight Watchers |
Tuesday 9.30 - 10.30am Wednesday 5 - 7pm | 131 997 |
Fitness-Fun movement for life | Tuesday 10 - 11am | Email or phone 0402 426 288 |
Illawarra Yoga | Tuesday 11am - 12pm | Email or phone 0402 426 288 |
Elite Active Dance (special needs) |
Tuesday 4 - 7.30pm Thursday 10 - 10.30am | 0404 792 077 |
Taekidokai Martial Arts | Tuesday 5.30 - 6.30pm. Email or call for details. | 0421 566 312 |
Zumba with Maribel | Wednesday 6.30 - 7.30pm | 0404 632 949 |
Dapto Jiu Jitsu | Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Call for times. | 0499 115 399 |
Shobukai Nihon Shito Ryu Karate | Thursday 5 - 6.30pm | 0450 647 803 |
Illawarra Family Friendly Yoga | Friday 3.30 - 4.30pm | Email or phone 0402 426 288 |
Wongawilli Colonial Dance Club | Sundays 2 - 4pm Email or call for dates. | 0404 667 614 |
Activity | Description | Contact |
Seventh Day Adventist Church | Saturday 9.30am - 2.30pm | 0403 164 310 |
Library activities
Visit the Wollongong City Libraries website to find regular activities and special events at Dapto Library.
Social stories
We've made two social stories to help people take part in community activities at this centre:
- Going to the Community Centre - Dapto (updated for COVID-19) DOCX, 2173.56 KB
- Going to the Library at Dapto PDF, 2709.36 KB
Hire a space at this community centre
Interested in holding your own activity at Dapto Ribbonwood Centre? See our venue hire page for details.
- Events and Programs
- People
Art and Culture
- Aboriginal Culture and Communities
- Wollongong Art Gallery
- Illawarra Performing Arts Centre
- Public Art
- Creative Wollongong Studios
- The Arts Precinct
- Culture Mix
- Sculpture in the Garden Wollongong
- Creative Dialogues
- Short Film Competition & Festival
- Recent Projects
- Opportunities for Artists and Performers
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