From art and photography to music and more, we regularly run programs that give young people an opportunity to showcase their creativity and build their skills.
Current and recent creative projects
Public notices for creative opportunities
Council advertises many opportunities each year for artists, performers and other creators to get involved in activities across our city. Most of these projects are targeted at a general audience, or adults, but young people who meet the project criteria are always encouraged to apply!
Artists are invited to express interest for an exhibition in the Ethel Hayton Walk exhibition space.
Performers, let us know you're out there!
Musicians, bands and performance artists of all ages and abilities are invited to express their interest in being part of Council’s community events.
Performances must be suitable for the general public, including children and families.
Use the button below to be added to our list. We’ll contact you if a suitable opportunity comes up.
- Events and Programs
- People
Art and Culture
- Aboriginal Culture and Communities
- Wollongong Art Gallery
- Illawarra Performing Arts Centre
- Public Art
- Creative Wollongong Studios
- The Arts Precinct
- Culture Mix
- Sculpture in the Garden Wollongong
- Creative Dialogues
- Short Film Competition & Festival
- Recent Projects
- Opportunities for Artists and Performers
- Sister Cities
- History and Heritage
- Language Help
- Safety Programs
- Volunteering
- Community Transport
- Neighbourhood Groups
- Grant Programs
- Affordable Housing
- Awards and Recognition