Swimming Carnivals
Swimming carnivals are generally held at our pools in February and early March each year, but may also be booked at other times.
While swimming carnivals are happening at our pools, access will only be available for people attending the carnival.
Pools will also be unavailable immediately after the end of each carnival for clean up and pack up for the following amounts of time:
- At least 30 minutes for half-day carnivals
- At least 60 minutes for full-day carnivals.
If your favourite pool is closed for a carnival, see our pools page for other places to swim.
You can also read our School Use of Council Swimming Pools policy PDF, 96.73 KB to learn more about how we manage carnivals.
Looking for another place to swim?
If your favourite pool is unavailable because of a swimming carnival, check these links to find another swim spot.
- Sport and Fitness
- Beaches and Pools
- Dog Beaches and Parks
- Playgrounds
- Parks and Gardens
- Libraries
- Community Centres and Halls
- Wollongong Art Gallery
- Spaces for Young People
- Wollongong CBD
- Wollongong CBD
- Parking and Transport
- Memorial Gardens and Cemeteries
- Community Land
- Wedding Venues
- Public Toilets
- Visit Wollongong