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City of Wollongong

Using Our Shared Pathways

Using shared pathways is a great way to travel. It’s good for your health, the environment, and can even save you money.

They're often called 'bike tracks', but it's important to remember that these paths are for there for all to share.

Follow these rules to help everyone share the track safely:

  • Keep left. If you need to overtake slower traffic, look before you make a move.
  • Pedestrians have right of way. If you're on a bike, slow down and give way to pedestrians.
  • Use a bell or your voice to let other track users know you’re nearby.
  • Don’t block the path. If you need to stop, move off the path.
  • Keep dogs on your left and on a short lead.

For more tips, download our Share the Path flyer PDF, 246.27 KB.

Detailed road rules for cyclists can be found on the Transport for NSW website.

You'll also find some great resources for bike riders on our Info for Cyclists page.

Report an issue

If you find a problem with one of our shared pathways, like cracked or broken surfaces, you can report it using the link for 'footpath and cycleway damage' on our Roads and Footpaths page.