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City of Wollongong

Planning for Cycling

We want to get more people riding bikes in Wollongong.

The Wollongong Cycling Strategy PDF, 2706.16 KB explains what Council is doing to support riders, and why it's important for our city's health and the environment.

Groups that advise Council

Our work to support cycling and plan for the future is helped with input from these groups:

Ongoing projects

As well as small improvements, like adding water stations and bike racks around the city, we have some long-term projects that will create more ways for you to ride.

Join the conversation

As we plan new bike-friendly projects, we talk with the community to get your ideas and feedback.

Keep an eye on the Our Wollongong website for your chance to join the conversation.

National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey

The National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey (previously National Cycling Participation Survey) is a phone survey of a sample of residents across our city about their walking and cycling activity.

This information helps Council plan to support active transport and meet our community's needs.

You can read recent Survey reports below.