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City of Wollongong

Wedding Hire Conditions

Below are the terms and conditions that apply to all wedding or commitment ceremony bookings on land managed by Wollongong City Council, such as parks and beaches.

Different conditions will apply to weddings held at our Community Centres, Botanic Garden or Wollongong Art Gallery. Check with those venues for details.

Changes to these conditions can only be made if agreed to in writing by Council.

The term ‘you’ refers to the person hiring the space.

  1. Your booking does not entitle you to exclusive use of the hired space. All wedding attendees are asked to extend common courtesy to other people using the space when requesting their cooperation in staging your ceremony.
  2. While using the hired space, you must comply with any laws or regulations that apply to that space, including but not limited to any regulations shown on signage at the site.
  3. All Council parks and beaches are alcohol-free zones.
  4. No vehicles are allowed on site. You are responsible for making sure you park legally at or near the venue in an approved space.
  5. You must control noise so it does not create a nuisance to other users of the space or adjoining neighbours. You must get Council’s written approval if you wish to use a public address system or sound system. The noise level produced by any sound system (L10) must not exceed the background noise level (L90) by more than 5 dB (A) when measured at the nearest residential boundary.
  6. You must not place padlocks on any Council infrastructure.
  7. Confetti, rice or rose petals are not to be used.
  8. Glass containers and bottles are not allowed on beaches.
  9. Animals are not permitted on any beach within the City of Wollongong, except for dogs in designated off-leash areas. See our Dog Beaches and Parks page for more information.
  10. You must leave the space in a clean and tidy condition after your booking. All garbage must be removed from the site and disposed of in an approved waste collection area.
  11. If your booking can’t go ahead due to bad weather, you can request a refund from Council of any fees paid within five working days of your booking. Refund requests must be made by writing to Council or using our online request form.