We've gathered some info below to help you ride safely, find new routes and connect with other cyclists.
Updated September 2022!
Explore off-road pathways with our handy map.
Download a copy below, or pick up a printed version from our Customer Service Centre at 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong, or any of our library locations.
If you’re using a bike to get around, there’s a good chance you’ll be riding on a road at some point. Make sure you know the rules that apply to bikes on roads, shared pathways and footpaths.
We also encourage drivers to make themselves familiar with the special rules that apply when driving near cyclists.
Use the links below to learn about rules for riding bikes:
- Bicycle NSW - Bicycle Laws
- Transport for NSW Road Rules for Bicycle Riders
- Bicycle NSW - Handy Reference Guide
- Bicycle NSW - Handy Reference Poster
- Transport for NSW Bicycle Handbook
Transport for NSW videos
The Commuter
The Group Rider
Bikes generally can’t go on buses, but you can take them on trains.
For rules about bikes on trains, see Transport for NSW’s website.
You can also hire bike lockers and sheds at many local train stations.
Looking for a group to ride with? Get in touch with one of the local bike groups below.
- Illawarra Bicycle User Group Incorporated (iBUG)
- Illawarra Cycle Club
- Illawarra Triathlon Club
- email the Illawarra Touring Cycle Club
- Illawarra Ramblers
- Wollongong Mountain Bike Club
- Exsight Tandems Illawarra
- CycleAbility - The Disability Trust
- Leisure Coast Cycle Club
If you’re part of a cycle group not listed here, and would like us to add your details, please email us.
You can also find details of local bike stores and workshops in the Wollongong Cycling Guide and Map.
Please note, these groups are independent of Council.
The Safety Town website is a good all-round road safety guide for primary school-aged children, teachers and families.
Kidsafe Australia's Kids on Wheels guide also has great tips for keeping your children safe on bikes, tricycles, skateboards, scooters and other fun things that roll.
The Family Ride (Transport for NSW video)
Help us keep roads, footpaths and cycleways in good shape by letting us know if you find a problem.
Please visit our Roads and Footpaths page or call us on (02) 4227 7111 to report an issue.
- Sport and Fitness
- Beaches and Pools
- Dog Beaches and Parks
- Playgrounds
- Parks and Gardens
- Libraries
- Community Centres and Halls
- Wollongong Art Gallery
- Spaces for Young People
- Wollongong CBD
- Wollongong CBD
- Parking and Transport
- Memorial Gardens and Cemeteries
- Community Land
- Wedding Venues
- Public Toilets
- Visit Wollongong