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City of Wollongong

Charter of the People of Wollongong

We the people of Wollongong are determined:

  • to ensure the right of all our community to enjoy equal rights and be treated with equal respect, regardless of colour, race, ethnicity, creed or religion;
  • to support an immigration policy wholly non-discriminatory on grounds of colour, race, ethnicity, creed or religion;
  • to support the process of reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in the context of redressing their profound social and economic disadvantage;
  • to maintain Wollongong as a culturally diverse tolerant and open society, united by an overriding commitment to our nation and its democratic institutions and values;
  • to denounce racial intolerance in any form as incompatible with the kind of community we are and want to be.

And to these ends we will:

  • actively promote the benefits of a cohesive, multicultural society;
  • support the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation’s vision for a united Australia and local declarations of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples
  • promote access and equity in service provision for all members of the community;
  • address wherever possible the special needs of disadvantaged groups.