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City of Wollongong

Pop-Up Cycling Routes

Starting in 2021, we created trial Pop-up Cycleways in the Wollongong CBD, Port Kembla, Towradgi and Thirroul.

This was done as part of the Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030 PDF, 2706.16 KB. The trial aimed to encourage more people to ride, and to improve safety and access for bicycles.

Our trial locations covered several different riding options, including bike lanes on the road, shared paths for pedestrians and bikes, and slow speed zones with traffic calming for bikes and cars to share the road.

Throughout the trial period, we've also been adapting the Pop-up Cycleways, based on feedback from the community.

What's next?

In late 2022 and early 2023, we invited the community to share their experiences and thoughts about the Pop-up Cycleways. With the help of your feedback, we're planning the next steps for these locations, which you can read about below.

Wollongong CBD

  • The trial cycleways on Smith Street, Harbour Street and Kembla Street will stay in place. We've considered making them permanent as part of our draft Wollongong City Centre Movement and Place Plan, which went on public exhibition in mid-2024 for community input. We’re currently reviewing this feedback to prepare a final strategy.
  • Shared paths will stay in place on Corrimal Street, Crown Street (between Corrimal Street and the foreshore), Gladstone Avenue, MacCabe Park, and Burelli Street (west of MacCabe Park).
  • Road cushions will be removed from Stewart Street, except for those either side of the pedestrian kerb blisters near Aldi.

See the documents below for more information about the Wollongong CBD Pop-up Cycleway trial:


  • The Thirroul Pop-up Cycleway will be kept.
  • We're planning more wayfinding signage to direct cyclists to surrounding destinations.

See the map below for an overview:


  • Road cushions and traffic separators will be removed from Murranar Road.
  • Bicycle symbols and warning signs will be kept to alert drivers that cyclists use this route.
  • We'll look into other options for a cycleway to connect Towradgi railway station to the coastal shared path.

See the documents below for more details about the Pop-up Cycleway trial in Towradgi.

Port Kembla

  • The Port Kembla cycleway will stay in place.
  • We'll create a shared path connection from Church Street to Olympic Boulevarde to support the existing cycleway.

See the map below for an overview of the trial at Port Kembla:

Learn more

Pop-up Cycleways Final Survey pageRead the report on community feedback about the Pop-up Cycleways trial.
Draft Wollongong City Centre Movement and Place PlanFind out more about the draft plan which considers the Pop-up Cycleways in Wollongong. It is currently being finalised.
Our Wollongong websiteKeep an eye on this website for your chance to comment on future bike-related projects.
UCI Bike City pagesDiscover more places to ride and learn about our work to support cycling across Wollongong.

The Pop-up Cycleways project was funded by the NSW Government in association with Wollongong City Council.