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City of Wollongong

Activities at Thirroul District Community Centre and Library

Below are activities that are regularly held at Thirroul District Community Centre and Library.

Please note that details may change without notice. We recommend that you contact the activity organiser to confirm times.

Little Kickers Preschool Soccer and RugbyThursday 9 - 12.30pmAaron (02) 4296 3263

You can also visit the Wollongong City Libraries' website to find regular activities for children at Thirroul Library.

Memory Lane - Dementia AustraliaEvery six weeks, Friday 10.30am - 1pm1800 100 500
Current Affairs U3AFirst and third Monday of the month, 1.30 - 3pmDavid 0434 292 965
Drama U3AFirst and third Monday of the month, 11am - 12.30pmCatherine 0432 667 793
Drawing and Painting U3ASecond and fourth Monday of the month, 11am - 1pmJeanette 4285 1986
Australian Studies U3ASecond and fourth Monday of the month, 1.30 - 3pmToni 0457 598 956
Book Group U3ATuesday 1.30 - 3.30pmLynda 0408 603 259
Arts Hub U3ASecond and fourth Tuesday of the month, 11am - 1pmAinsle 4283 7818
Brain Games U3ASecond and fourth Tuesday of the month, 9.30am - 11amAinsle 4283 7818
Reading Aloud U3AFirst and third Tuesday of the month, 11am - 12.30pmAinsle 4283 7818
WCC Thirroul Social Support GroupTuesdays (except first Tuesday of the month) 8.30am - 2pmJo-Anne 4227 8271
Talks Program U3AWednesday 9am - 11amPatrick 0448 061 951
Film Society U3AWednesday 11.30am - 3pmVirginia 0408 234 868
Italian Conversation U3AFriday 9.30 - 11.30amFreda 0407 299 057
Balance and Bones U3AMonday 9.30 - 10.30am
Monday 10.30 - 11.30am
Helen 0419 983 265
Slapdash ChoirMonday 7pm - 8.30pmEmail
Samurai Dojo KarateTuesday and Thursday 3.30 - 7.30pm
Saturday 10am - 12pm 
Paul 0431 959 563
Surf to Summit PilatesWednesday 6 - 7pmJess 0403 665 376
Footsteps Meditation GroupWednesday 6.45 - 8.15pmEmail
Thai Chi for HealthMonday and Thursday 9.30 - 10.30amRoz 0423 505 008
U3A YogaThursday 11am - 12.30pmHelen Gibson 0423 004 172
Carpet BowlsFriday 9.30 - 11amDaphne 0430 421 795
Thirroul Yoga ShalaSaturday 8 - 9.30amAlyson 0415 763 250
Community Creative MovementThird Sunday of the month, 10am - 1pmSue 0427 863 486
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)Third Sunday of the month 2 - 3.30pmHeather 0401 566 115
General office hoursWednesday and Friday 9am - 3pm(02) 4267 2500
Youth Drop-InFriday 3pm - 5.30pm(02) 4267 2500

The after-hours contact number for all Thirroul Neighbourhood Centre activities is (02) 4262 1918

Library activities

Visit the Wollongong City Libraries website to find regular activities and special events at Thirroul Library.

Social stories

We've made a social story to help people take part in community activities at this centre:

Hire a space at this community centre

Interested in holding your own activity at Thirroul District Community Centre and Library? See our venue hire page for details.