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City of Wollongong

Agency Information Guide

5. How to Access Council Information

Council will publish the current version of this open access, or mandatory release, information on its website unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure or to do so would impose an unreasonable additional cost on Council.

Where Council has deemed certain information to be unsuitable for publication on its website, this will be noted on the website and the information may be made available for inspection at Council. Similarly, the most recent previous version of the records identified in part 4 above, will be made available for inspection at Council as soon as practicable. Copies can be supplied and may incur a copying charge as per Council’s Fees and Charges.

Where copyright exists in a document, it is provided for information purposes only in accordance with Council’s statutory obligations and copyright laws still apply. The copyright owner’s consent is required if any part of the document is used for any other purpose.

In addition, from time to time Council will make as much other information as possible publicly available in an appropriate manner, including on Council’s website.  The information will be available free of charge or at the lowest reasonable cost.  Such other information includes frequently requested information or information of public interest that has been released as a result of other requests.  Such information may be contained within Council’s Disclosure Log.

5.1 Open Access Information and Informal Requests for Information

See our Access to Information page for details about how to view or obtain copies of documents identified in this Guide.

You can also request information by phoning Council on (02) 4227 7111 or visiting our Customer Service Centre at 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong, between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

5.2 Other than Open Access Information - Formal Access Applications

Notwithstanding the lodgement of an informal application, Council may require a Formal Access Application to be submitted where the information sought:

  • is of a sensitive nature that requires careful weighing of the considerations in favour of and against disclosure, or
  • contains personal or confidential information about a third party that requires consultation, or
  • would involve an unreasonable amount of time and resources to produce.

Anyone wishing to view or obtain copies of documents and/or files held by Council that fall within the above categories can lodge a Formal Access Application. See our Access to Information page for details and to apply.

Next section: More Information 

Previous section: Information Held by Council and Available to the Public

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This guide was adopted on 22 September 2010.
Last reviewed August 2024.
Last updated on 28 August 2024.