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City of Wollongong

Pay an Invoice

If you’ve received a bill or invoice from Council, use one of the options below to make a payment online.

Looking for rates payments? Visit the Pay Your Rates page.

If you need help, call us on (02) 4227 7111 during business hours.

To pay an invoice for hiring a Council venue or the Botanic Garden, click one of the links below.

1. Payments for registered users

If you're already registered for our Online Services system, you can log in to view and pay bills or invoices.

Once you're logged in, click on My Account, and select the item you'd like to pay.

Not registered yet? You can create an account by clicking the link Don't have an account? on the log in screen.

For help setting up an account, read our Online Self Service page.

2. Payments for guest users

If you don't have an account, use the button below to go to our Online Services portal, then select Pay Now and enter the payment reference number shown on your bill or invoice.

How to find your payment reference number

When you click a link above to make a payment, you’ll be asked to enter a payment reference number.

This will be shown under the Your Payment Options section at the bottom of your invoice. Look for the number with Ref in front of it.

example of location of payment reference number

Please note, the 'Ref' number is the same for all payment types.

Other ways to pay

If you don't want to pay online with a card, check your invoice for information about other payment methods.

Most invoices from Council can also be paid these ways:

  • Mail a cheque to Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC 2500
  • In person at our Customer Service Centre, 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong, between 8.30am and 5pm weekdays.
  • BPAY from your online cheque or savings account.  Visit BPAY’s website or talk to your financial institution for details.

If you’re paying by cheque, make it payable to ‘Wollongong City Council’ and mark it ‘not negotiable’.

If you need help, call us on (02) 4227 7111.