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City of Wollongong

Stream Hill and Kembla Grange

Stream Hill is Wollongong's newest suburb. It's next to Kembla Grange, and is part of the West Dapto area.

The new suburb was formally gazetted and in use from Friday 5 May 2023.

See our Stream Hill and Kembla Grange map PDF, 1005.46 KB for an overview of this new suburb.

You can also check our FAQs below to find out more.

People living in Stream Hill

If your current address is within the area that is changing its name from Kembla Grange to Stream Hill you will need to contact all the businesses and institutions that use your address for mail, deliveries or identification, and tell them about the change. See the 'Who do I need to notify?' section of this page for some suggestions.

All residents and landowners affected will receive a letter from Wollongong City Council notifying them of the change. You can use this letter as evidence if needed when updating your contact details. If you have not received a letter, please contact Council.

Australia Post, emergency services and many local businesses and institutions have been advised of the name and boundary changes.

The suburb boundary and new name should not cause mail delivery delays. Australia Post have been advised of the change and will keep delivering to your house even if the suburb is not updated on the envelope / package for about three months.

You do not need to organise mail redirection.

Council will provide support to residents affected by this suburb change.

All affected residents and owners that we have contact details for will be contacted.

If you have purchased a newly created lot in the area changing to Stream Hill, your details may not yet have been registered with Council and we may not have been able to get in touch with you.

We will contact many organisations to let them know about the city’s newest suburb. Unfortunately, we are unable to give out, or update, private information. This means residents and landowners will need to contact their banks, schools, insurance agencies, doctors, internet services, phone service providers etc to have their contact details updated. Many organisations will allow you to update your contact details online.

These are the organisations that have been advised on the name change:

  • Ambulance
  • Australia Post
  • Australian Electoral Commission
  • Fire NSW
  • Google Maps
  • NSW Land Registry Services
  • Police
  • Rural Fire Service
  • SES (State Emergency Service)
  • Telstra
  • VRA Rescue NSW (formerly Volunteer Rescue Association).

We have also sent a letter to many businesses within the Wollongong Local Government Area to let them know about the changes.

Your address is held by all the different authorities and service providers you use. They hold data on your Property Address as well as your Mailing or Billing Address, which may be different.

If your letters and bills are emailed to you, you still need to update the address details.

We have provided a list of suggested organisations below to help you work out who you should update:

  • – ATO, Centrelink, Medicare, My Health Record, NDIS etc
  • Service NSW - Drivers Licence, Fishing Licence, Boat Licence and Vehicle registration, E-toll, Business and Trade Licences, Opal Card, Concession or Seniors Card, EnableNSW
  • Accountants, financial planners, lawyers and solicitors
  • Banks and Credit Unions
  • Doctors, dentists and other medical specialists, health insurance providers
  • Electoral enrolment details through the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
  • Employers and superannuation services
  • Energy and utility providers: electricity, gas, water
  • Family and friends
  • Insurance agencies: car, house
  • Internet and phone service providers
  • Real estate agents – to advise tenants of properties affected
  • Schools and child care Facilities, TAFE, Universities and other educational institutions
  • Subscription or mail order services
  • Veterinary services and pet registration details.

You can also find a handy checklist on the Service NSW website which includes links to the people you may need to alert about a change in address.

No. The current postcode for Kembla Grange is 2526. This will not change.

The postcode for Stream Hill will also be 2526.

Two landowners in Dombarton have changed both suburb and postcode. They have been notified, along with Australia Post.

No. We will help you where we can, but there is no monetary compensation available.

The name change from Kembla Grange to Stream Hill will not impact on your contract of sale or affect any rights or obligations.

Any questions about Certificates of Title need to be directed to NSW Land Registry Services.

If you own a property in the new Stream Hill area that is leased, the tenants will also need to update their address.

Please let your tenants know about the changes as soon as possible, either directly or through your managing agent.

There is no further opportunity to object to this project as it has been approved by the NSW Government.

We applied to the GNB to progress the new boundaries and suburb name following Council endorsement in November 2021 PDF, 294.74 KB.

Stream Hill was approved on 6 December 2022 following extensive consultations with the Kembla Grange community, including an extra opportunity to nominate names for the area in November and December 2020 PDF, 213.09 KB.

Stream Hill was gazetted on Friday 5 May 2023. The GNB notified the proposal in April 2022 , and Council was given the opportunity to respond to submissions. (link to GNM Submissions?)

About our newest suburb

West Dapto is the fastest growing residential area in New South Wales, outside the Sydney region.

Over the next few decades, the area will develop to have around 19,500 properties that will be home to around 56,500 people. With this level of growth – both now and into the future – Kembla Grange has become a very large suburb. There are a large number of individual lots within the suburb and more lots will be released in the future.

Smaller suburbs function better because individual lots can be found more easily by emergency services (Police, Fire and Ambulance), couriers and other service providers.

Stream Hill is the name of one of the oldest homesteads that is still standing in the Wollongong Local Government Area. It sits on land that was one of 10 veteran grants awarded to military men after their service in the 19th Century. Council now owns the property.

Sandstone mined from the property was used to build the West Dapto Primary School and Residence, as well as the McPhail residence on Sheaffes Road.

We understand the historical significance of the name Kembla Grange. That is why it is being kept for the eastern and larger side of the current suburb. The train station and racecourse are within the area keeping the name Kembla Grange.

Council proposed the name ‘Stream Hill’ to the NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB) after community consultation and Councillor endorsement. The GNB is responsible for assigning place names in NSW and must endorse the name before seeking approval from State Government.

The name was recommended by a Kembla Grange resident as part of a community input process.

These are the steps we followed to decide on the suburb name:

  1. Council asked the Dapto / West Dapto community to suggest names in 2020.
  2. We created working groups to help guide and support this process.
  3. The suggested names were collated, reviewed and a shortlist was created from the names that most closely aligned with the GNB’s guidelines and were also locally significant.
  4. The GNB endorsed the name in August 2022 and the Minister approved it in December 2022.

We couldn’t use names like Kembla Grange Estate as that is too similar to Kembla Grange. Similarly, we weren’t able to add suffixes or prefixes like West Kembla Grange or Kembla Grange Heights.

Council followed the guidelines for defining new suburb boundaries provided by the Geographical Names Board when choosing the new suburb boundary for Kembla Grange and Stream Hill. The final boundary has changed from that originally proposed, in response to community submissions.

The south-western portion of Kembla Grange will be renamed Stream Hill, as shown on our Stream Hill and Kembla Grange map PDF, 1005.46 KB.

Council actively tries to identify appropriate Dharawal names when considering new place and facility names, including in this instance.

All names considered were nominated out of the public exhibition process.

Community Working Groups, made up of members from heritage groups, the Dapto community, the Aboriginal community and Traditional Custodians, have worked closely with the project team. Together, we created the shortlist of names for the proposed suburbs that met the criteria and are significant to West Dapto.

Dharawal names were sought and considered during Council’s processes, but they were not able to be progressed.

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