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City of Wollongong

West Dapto Housing

We've been planning for neighbourhoods and new housing in West Dapto for many years.

Our West Dapto Vision PDF, 15307.46 KB guides where and how neighbourhoods are built. This plan is regularly reviewed to make sure it meets the needs of this growing community.

West Dapto is divided into five stages so we can make sure the area grows in a controlled and sustainable way. Before each stage starts, we need to rezone the land, prepare neighbourhood plans, and look at what infrastructure Council needs to build.

Stages 1 and 2 of West Dapto are underway, with many homes already finished or being built. We’re currently preparing plans for the other three stages.

We’ve rezoned Stage 5 (known as Yallah Marshall Mount) and part of Stage 3. We will rezone the rest of Stages 3 and 4 once plans for those areas are finished.

Applications for new housing in West Dapto are considered against local development rules and specific plans for the area. These include:

Most new housing development in West Dapto is likely to need approval in one of the following ways:

  • Complying development is a fast-track approval process for straightforward development. Work will need to meet any relevant standards and be signed off by an accredited certifier.
  • A development application will be needed for any development that doesn't meet the rules for complying development.

More information about planning and development policies can be found on our Development pages.

Neighbourhood Plans tie into the West Dapto Vision PDF, 15307.46 KB. They provide a guide about the mix of housing, roads, parks, shops and facilities that will be included in a specific part of West Dapto.

A neighbourhood plan needs to be adopted before development applications can be lodged for West Dapto.

Neighbourhood plans for West Dapto can be found in Chapter D16 of our Development Control Plan PDF, 8560.16 KB. You should read the relevant plan before you apply for development approval.

Council collects contributions from developers to help improve public spaces, services and facilities.

Special rules apply for developer contributions in West Dapto.

See our Development Contributions page for more information.

Council has a team dedicated to working on Urban Release in the West Dapto Urban Release Area. The team is supported by many other teams within Council. This team includes:

  • Urban Release Manager
  • Strategic Planning Officers
  • Traffic Engineer
  • Stormwater Enginee​r

If you'd like to get in touch with the Urban Release Team, please contact Council.