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City of Wollongong

Meet our net zero heroes

The big message from our new Climate Change Mitigation Plan is that everyone has a role to play in creating a sustainable future for Wollongong.

To inspire action, we’re showcasing everyday people and the steps they’ve taken steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and live more sustainably.

Heroes like Georgia, Anna and Billy, and April are helping us reach net zero while also saving money and improving their health. They’re doing their bit, their way and every bit counts.

Get inspired and find your way.

Meet Georgia

Georgia is a scientist who shares a rental house. She's an avid thrifter and considers the planet when making decisions on how to live, dress, eat and travel.

Georgia opts for energy efficient appliances, and while she can’t yet install solar panels, she is taking the interim measure of switching to a 100% renewable energy provider through Greenpower.

Meet Anna and Billy

Anna and Billy own Reub Goldberg, a sustainable brewery in Tarrawanna, which they e-bike to each morning.

This power couple harness solar at home and the brewery to generate their own cheap, renewable energy and they’re looking at battery storage for use once the sun goes down. What’s more, these two strive to create as little waste as possible, they use sustainable packaging and only fill one 80L red-lid waste bin each week for their entire venue.

Meet April

April and Paul have their own food forest which provides food and fuel, handles biodegradable waste and is a habitat for wildlife. They run their own heating and cooling system and are big on self-regulating with insulation and draught stopping measures.

April makes tasty meals with her built-in induction cooktop. She loves how quickly it heats up and that, being powered by renewable energy, it operates with zero emissions.

Inspired? Find these and more ways to reduce your emissions.