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City of Wollongong

Common (Indian) Myna Birds

Common (Indian) Myna birds are common across all parts of Wollongong. They aggressively take over the nests of other birds and animals, threaten wildlife, and can spread weeds, bird mites and disease.

Indian Mynas can also nest in roof cavities, and their nests can cause a fire hazard.

Indian Mynas are not to be confused with Australian Native Miners (aka the Noisy Miner), which are not a pest.

Indian Myna birds on your property

Some of the things you can do to try and discourage Indian Myna birds on your property include:

  • Don’t leave pet food out
  • Don’t feed native birds as this will also attract Indian Mynas
  • Make sure garbage, skip and compost bins are tightly closed
  • Plant native trees,  shrubs and grasses to attract native birds
  • Fix holes in your roof and eaves, or cover them so birds can’t nest in your home.
  • Join our Indian Myna Bird Action Program - details are below.

Join our Indian Myna Bird Action Program

We work with Corrimal Men’s Shed to help residents learn how to humanely control Indian Myna birds near their home.

To join the program you must be 18 years or older and live in the Wollongong City Council area.

You can join online at any time, or come along to a face-to-face session to get started. See details below.

Join the program online

Follow these steps to join online:

  1. Read the program terms
  2. Register for the program using the button below.
  3. We'll email you within 10 working days with a link to the free online workshop. The workshop usually takes about an hour to complete.
  4. You must take a short quiz and pass with a score of 100%. You can re-take the quiz multiple times.
  5. When you pass the quiz, we'll send you confirmation and information about how to buy a trap and get started.

In-person sessions

We can also run in-person training sessions for people who would like to join this program.

Upcoming in-person workshops are shown below, or call us on (02) 4227 7111 for more information.

We may also be able to make arrangements for additional in-person training if we have interest from multiple people.

Sighting sheet

We ask people taking part in this program to record sightings of Indian Myna birds and report back to Council.

We also share this information with researchers at the University of Western Sydney.

You can download a sighting sheet template below:

Indian Myna bird sighting sheet template XLSX, 191.25 KB

For more information, call us on (02) 4227 7111.